The Content Marketing Hurricane: Using Proven Content Marketing Principles to Blow Your Competition Away! by Justin P. Lambert - HTML preview

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As you'll see clearly over the next few pages, a closely related question is:

What does it take to create an expert?

Because that's really one of the key goals behind an effective content marketing strategy, especially for beginners who are just getting involved in content marketing to help them reach their personal or business goals: they need to establish themselves as a go-to source of valuable information in their chosen field – an expert that others respect and turn to for guidance.

So that's an interesting question, isn't it?

What does it take to create an expert?

Of course, you know what an expert is, at least on the surface. But, what really makes someone an expert?

When you get right down to it, it's perception. Someone appears to be an expert, and so we look to them as an expert.

Did you catch that?

In other words, being an expert doesn't mean that person is smarter, or works harder, or knows the right people, or anything else (although those things can probably help.)

It just means that person appears to be an expert. And so, the natural human reaction is to treat them that way.

The Oprah Principle

Do you want a perfect example of this principle at work?

Turn on reruns of Oprah, or any other daytime talk show for that matter. Turn on The Today Show, Good Morning America or Jason and Kelly.

At some point on nearly every episode of this type of program, the host will start discussing an interesting topic, and will soon introduce an author who has “just written the book on...” whatever the topic is.

Now, when that man or woman walks out on stage, with a beautiful spinning graphic of their new book highlighted in the corner of the screen and their name lit up across the bottom, what do you think about that person?

You automatically assume they are an expert on... whatever the topic is.

After all, they've “written the book” on it, haven't they? What other proof do you need?

And they haven't even opened their mouth yet.

Now, for the next three minutes, or however long the segment lasts, assuming you're interested in their topic, you're going to hang on every word coming out of their mouth.

You'll quote bits and pieces to your friends later in the day. You'll save an “I told you so” for your spouse later that evening, because an expert just agreed with you. You'll quite possibly head out and purchase that book for yourself, if your interest is piqued enough, or at least remember the title when you're at the library the next time.

As far as you're concerned, this individual knows what he's talking about. Not because his view is so well-thought out and logical, or because he's supported it with iron-clad evidence, necessarily.

But simply because he said so.

And he's an expert.

You need to be published

If you're interested in joining the ranks of the experts you see on the talk shows every day, you're going to have to get your thoughts out to the masses in a way they automatically respect.

You're going to have to get published.

After all, there's really only one guaranteed difference between the author being interviewed by Oprah and the potentially millions of other people watching the show who may know more than that person does about the subject Oprah's discussing with him.

That difference is, he wrote the book!

If YOU wrote the book, Oprah would be talking to YOU, not him.

So, for just a moment, let me help you over a mental barrier.

Your mental barrier to being an expert

You see, becoming an expert in a field in which you're knowledgeable may sound overwhelming to you.

There may even be some voice in the back of your mind telling you things like,

“You're no expert.”

“You're a fake.”

“No one cares about this topic.”

“No one is ever going to read what you write.”

“You don't even know how to write.”

“There are a million people who know more than you do about this topic.”

“You're wasting your time.”

It is vital that you understand one thing before moving forward with the process contained in this section:

Anyone can do this

Absolutely anyone can become a renowned expert in the field of their choice if they are willing and able to follow the process outlined in these pages.

There are no barriers to entry based on age, race, social status, finances, geography, intelligence or aptitude. There are no evil forces conspiring to keep you from creating your Content Marketing Tropical Disturbance. There are no current experts in the field of your choice who are going to be threatened by your entry onto the scene.

The only possible barrier to your becoming an expert in the field of your choice is YOU.

So, if you're ready to focus on what I've dubbed The Instant Expert Formula, and you're willing to put the time and effort into following the formula consistently, you're already well on your way to building your Content Marketing Hurricane!