The Content Marketing Hurricane: Using Proven Content Marketing Principles to Blow Your Competition Away! by Justin P. Lambert - HTML preview

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In this chapter, you'll get a quick overview of The Instant Expert Formula, a guide to boosting your reputation by putting your thoughts in concrete form and getting them published.

As noted in the previous chapter, the basis of the formula is earning expert status by harnessing positive public opinion through the almost magical power of publication.

You should have also noted the fact that anyone can accomplish this with the right level of desire, motivation, and hard work. (Especially if you're working with subject matter you truly have a passion for.)

By combining those qualities with the information contained in this section, YOU can quickly start taking advantage of the benefits that come from being an expert!

This is not a scheme

It's important to note that the Instant Expert Formula is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. I'm not promising you oodles of cash just by following a set-it-and-forget-it process.

As a matter of fact, I'm not promising anything... except this:


If you're truly passionate about your subject, you're willing to put the time and energy into working the formula and constantly improving your content creation and marketing skills, you WILL see results.

I can't tell you exactly what those results will be, but I can tell you that you will be satisfied if you work this system well. And if things don't work out as you wish, you can always go back and tweak the system to improve.

Are you ready?

The Instant Expert Formula

As noted in the introduction, the Formula, in a nutshell is:

1. Initial decision making

2. Finding a niche

3. Narrowing the focus

4. Deciding on the media

5. Creating the content

6. Getting published

7. Re-evaluating

The Formula can also be expressed in the form of a flowchart, because, as we'll discuss, it's an ongoing process, much like the spinning of your storm.

As you can see, the process is simple. The technology is readily available to nearly everyone. When that technology is combined with the ease with which you can research, evaluate and add to the body of knowledge on a niche topic, the potential becomes truly incredible.

The next seven chapters will delve deeper into each of the seven steps in The Instant Expert Formula, helping you take action quickly and easily so you can truly experience the “instant” aspect of this powerful process!

But for a moment, let's look at a snapshot of each step:

1. Initial Decision-Making: Here is where you will take the topics you've brainstormed based on your unique “disparate forces” and hone them to truly capitalize on expert status. The exercises you perform in this chapter will help you focus your efforts on the best possible topic(s) for YOU.

2. Finding a Niche: Once you have a topic in mind, this chapter will help you narrow that topic down to a reasonable niche by helping you carve away the aspects of that topic that are either not of interest to you, not of interest to your potential audience, or both.

3. Narrowing the Focus: This time, the focus is tightened even more as you transition your topic from a niche to a micro-niche, clearly identifying your target audience and coming away with a crystal-clear idea of what you will need to do to position yourself as the authority on that particular area of study.

4. Deciding on the Media: Now that your concept and your target audience are clearly defined, you can begin to explore HOW you are going to reach your audience with your information. The potential outlets for your knowledge are nearly endless, so you'll have to weigh the pros and cons of each to come up with the perfect recipe for micro-niche domination.

5. Creating Your Content: Here's where the tires really hit the road. Since you know your topic, your audience and your target media options so well, you're ready to actually translate your thoughts into publishable form. Although I'll touch on them here, in Section Three I'll give you a ton of solid tips and tricks to make sure nothing gets lost in that translation.

6. Getting Published: Once you get your thoughts out on paper or screen, this chapter will help you make sure it goes somewhere other than your personal hard drive. We'll discuss various methods for publishing your material, both traditionally and non-traditionally.

7. Re-evaluating: After going through the entire process, you are in an excellent position to look back and see how things went. The beauty of a formula like this is that you can go back and make adjustments constantly to improve your performance and/or add to what you've already created. This chapter will help you do just that.

Remember, what I'm providing is simply a guide. I can't answer the questions I'm presenting for you. And if you want to get the most benefit out of this information, you're going to want to answer them honestly yourself.

As you work your way through this section, you should be able to clearly watch your own unique “disparate forces” coalescing into a powerful “tropical disturbance” that is quickly building power and momentum.

So, without any further delay, let's get into Chapter 13, Initial Decision-Making.