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it, but this is not the way to duplicate success, and create a team that grows quickly.

The biggest problem with purchasing leads is you have no way to profit from these leads if they don’t join your team – which is a topic we will cover later in the e-book.

Problem Three: Purchasing Advertising

Most new associates that begin a business in network marketing have not experience or education in the marketing field. So in other words they joined a “marketing” business, but have not experience or training in how to “market”.

So they go out and purchase advertising, and the results are less than stellar. But their upline tells them, keep going, there are good people out there, so they keep spending and keep advertising.

They have no understanding of how to track their advertising spends so they have no way of knowing which advertisement is working the best.

These associates also typically do not have the experience to really understand who their “target market” is. So they run ads that are focused on the wrong market, no market or simply don’t have the critical elements in the ad to really pull the response needed to generate a profitable return on investment.

The Wrap Up

The interesting thing about these three items is that two of three items require spending money to get the leads. Actually they all require spending money either for leads or simply monthly company required expenses.

As you know, building a network marketing business typically does not generate large amounts of cash upfront. You are really


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