The Downline Code - Guru Secrets For Explosive MLM Growth by Burke Jones - HTML preview

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How to build trust and relationships online


Is it really possible to build relationships online that get to a level where people will join you because they know, like and trust you? YES!

The process is very simple really although it will take effort to put it in place you are rewarded with a leveraged system that can communicate with unlimited prospects 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

The system you will use is called an Auto Responder – and it is used to deliver email to a subscriber list. It is totally automated once you get it set up. You simply upload a series of emails into the system and they will be delivered over time to all of your prospects subscribed to your list.

How do I know this works? Because every week I get phone calls from people that have subscribed to my list.

The beauty of this system is that THEY CALLED ME! I was not spending hours on the phone cold calling and chasing people around. These leads are calling me because they already feel like they know me, they trust me and they WANT to talk to me!

One of the best systems out there that you can immediately get plugged into is called Aweber. Click here to get their FREE trial! What about a system?

I mentioned the other reason people join your business is because you have a system in place that they can see themselves plugging into.

A good system online will include these components: lead generation, email follow-up, income opportunities, and training.


Ready to take the next step and explode YOUR downline? Tap into the revolutionary power of The Downline Code to generate