The Downline Code - Guru Secrets For Explosive MLM Growth by Burke Jones - HTML preview

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The next chapter will expand on these four critical areas you need in your online system.


Your system must include a solid lead generation system that follows up with the prospects on auto pilot.

You also need a way to profit from these subscribers even if they never join your primary business. This allows you to make money while building your residual income stream which is your MLM business.

Your system also needs to have an automatic way of delivering the bulk of the training. Remember building on the internet is about creating leverage – in this case leveraging your time. Build your training system once, really well, and let new prospects get the training delivered over the internet. Of course you will still need to physically talk to them so they know you are there – which build retention on the team.

This is the type of system that will have prospects lining up to join you in business!


Ready to take the next step and explode YOUR downline? Tap into the revolutionary power of The Downline Code to generate