The Downline Code - Guru Secrets For Explosive MLM Growth by Burke Jones - HTML preview

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Chapter Two: Three Problems with Traditional Recruiting Methods

In every network marketing company, almost the same prospecting strategies are taught. Let’s examine the three biggest problems with these tactics…..

Problem One: Build Your Names List

Almost every company under the sun has this as a part of their training system. All new associates are taught to make a list of 100 or 200 people they know and start calling them. They even offer “memory jogger” help sheets, so that no one will be forgotten.

Does this work? Yes, if you do it. You see the statistics will prove that out of 100 people you will probably find 3 or 4 that will join you in your business. It is the most easy to recruit new people that know like and trust you already.

The problem is….that almost nobody will work through all 100 names. Rejection will kill them. Everyone has a certain threshold for rejection before they quit. For some people it will just take one “no” and they are finished, for others maybe it is 50. Sure you will find the real “go getter” that works through all of their names and starts to build a team. But then they run out of leads….

Most people will not be capable of building in “other people” warm markets, and they will simply run out of new prospects. This leads us to….

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