The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet

You can join all of these sites free and when you do, you will get an affiliate link for each one.


You should already be a member of these but if you haven’t joined yet go back to chapter VIII and join now.




Put Your GibLink user ID in the member’s area of FAD and TAD and 1 Minute Ads and Build Referrals.


Your GibLink username is the name you find at the end of the link.


For example my affiliate link for GibLink looks like this…


That means my user ID is jpeads and that is what I put in the members area of the four sites above.


Go ahead…


Log into your four advertising sites and put your GibLink username in where it says member’s ids.


I'll wait for you. I'm not going anywhere.


Login to your FAD member’s area and add your user ID for GibLink, TAD, BR and 1Minute-Ads.


Next, login in to your TAD member’s area and enter your affiliate ID for GibLink and FAD, BR and 1Minute-Ads.


Then do the same for BR and 1Minute-Ads.


These sites work in harmony with one another and give your ad exposure.


Collectively these four sites have over 130,000 members and they grow at about 1000 members per week.

Build Referrals is carried as part of the signature line by our partner, Mike Glaspie, and that site gets seen by a minimum of over 400,000 members a day.

Are you beginning to get the picture here?