The Magic Bullet by Phil Basten, Jane Mark, Frank Sousa - HTML preview

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The Magic Bullet

You started by putting your GibLink ad up at one site FAD. You spread that ad around by becoming a member of TAD and 1 Minute Ads and BR.


When any of these sites are advertised, your GibLink ad is being advertised too.


Nifty huh?

Depending on your membership level, your ad is now can now be seen by over 1 million viewers per day since the owners advertise for you to their huge network of subscribers.

Synergy advertising is one of the most powerful tools you can add to your advertising arsenal and you can't go wrong. The price is right. It's free. Piggy Back on Success


Try it. Take your ad for a piggy back ride. It’s fun.

When you join large networks on the net, you are piggy-backing on the shoulders of powerful marketers, and that should be one of your primary aims for your GibLink site.

Synergy advertising is a bit of a tricky concept to grasp so you may have to go back and reread this section, but you'll get it sooner or later.


All we are really doing here is getting your ad up on different networks of sites and using those sites to work together to give your ads maximum exposure.


Remember in chapter IV, we mentioned that free is a four letter word.

The sites you joined above have a far more powerful aspect ability built into them. This is a list building and mailing function. We will examine this in the next chapter.

If you are just starting out on the net, I recommend that you stay a free member of these advertising sites until you get your feet wet and, more importantly, you get some income from your GibLink site. As you do this you can reinvest in your business by testing out some paid advertising services and upgrading in FAD and TAD and 1 Minute Ads and BR.

If it’s done right, synergy advertising can change the way your story ends.