The Making Of An Internet Millionaire by Liz Tomey - HTML preview

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Are You Wanting To Work More?:

All of us have been employees or followers at some stage in our lives before we even thought of starting our own Internet business.

As employees, we learn to work for other people. We are paid more for more work done. However, the exact opposite applies when we take the place of Internet millionaires.

Consider the following:

You work for some one else. Your employer pays you more for more and more work done. If you work in an office, your day-to-day job may range from picking up phone calls, offering customer service and support, to paper work and more. Your employer pays you to do all these.

If you are not working for your employer, who else will pay you for answering phone calls and doing paper work? No one!

And this applies even if you are an Internet business owner. You are not paid to read emails, creating your first business site, and writing articles.

As an Internet millionaire, you are paid only when someone is happy to give you money. And that is none other than your customers. This is why you have to offer top-notch customer service alongside with being willing to work for free until you start to profit from your business.

For some peculiar reasons, most people just do not get the concept. I do not know why but I can only guess they do not read the same books on business. If you are thinking of engaging in a business of some kind, I strongly suggest you read at least a book on Entrepreneurship, Self-Help or Money.
Work such as creating and building a better business site, fixing technical problems, setting things up, and updating the blog are important tasks you cannot avoid doing when starting an Internet business in any niche. But the bottom-line is that you are not getting paid to do those.

If you are really despaired about being in business for some time but with little or no results in your sales, this can be the ultimate mental block you are having, consciously or unconsciously:

You are not looking for enough deals. You are in fact, looking for more work to do. Work that people do not pay you for.

So, I emphasize you look for deals. Look for opportunities. A job will not make you rich. A lot of people who started their Internet business realize that but they still run their business with the same mind-set: look for more work to do.

I often find that ironic as I believe the common goal every person who starts an Internet business is to have more time and money. Why jump from a job into another, which you call a business?

Look for deals and not more work. Deals and opportunities make you rich. You already know how much a job can give you.

Remember that I am not banging on a job. But if you are serious about becoming a successful Internet millionaire, this is an education worth taking to change your perception on looking for more deals rather than looking for more work that will eat most of your valuable time and not make you money.

Day-to-day work on your Internet business operation is important but it is successful deals you have pulled that make you money.