The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter Five Frustration and Wonder

00008.jpgFACT: You will get deep into a project and inevitably find yourself doing …AT LEAST ONCEthings one way and have to scrap everything and start over.


This is not only part of the process, but you must embrace these experiences and almost look forward to them.


No matter what any savvy marketers will tell you about quick fixes, it ain't gonna happen.


There are a number of things you can do to speed things up, but the road to the dough is not quick.

Now I don't mean to be negative, rather I mean to be realistic. One of the wonderful things about being in business for yourself, offline or online, is that along the way, you get these flashes of realization, these epiphanies, that fuel you and motivate you to keep moving.

As I am writing this now, I feel that “juice” that I am actually providing insight that might resonate with someone. A feeling that it might encourage them to not give up and keep moving forward. There will be "breakthroughs" along the way that will help you move forward if you just get out of your own way and let them happen.

Try and see the challenges and set backs for what they are. They are lessons being taught by the online gods and they will usually move you in a better direction or open your mind up to a new way of thinking that vaults you forward toward success.

Trust me these little light bulbs will go off if you keep moving forward and they will motivate you. It's pretty special.