The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter Four Research

00007.jpgI have spent over 20 years in sales and marketing. I have built, owned and sold two companies that were sales and service organizations.

They were both sold for millions of dollars (probably can't be too specific here or it could bite me in the a…:). The point being, I know a little bit about marketing and sales.

A substantial amount of my professional career has been spent hiring and training salespeople. I know how to teach people how to sell.


I LOVE to teach people and watch them become successful.

As a matter of fact the only thing I love more than that is watching my children develop and contribute to our world making it a better place every day.

I have also spent over a year researching Internet marketing and you will have to do this too. A year, a month, a few weeks it depends on a number of things.

How smart are you? How much experience do you bring to the table in sales, computers, graphics, marketing? How quickly do you need to make money? How much time do you have?

Get the picture?
There are a lot of terms that you will need to become familiar with and again it’s impossible to name them all, but here is a good starter list with links to sites that will really help you further understand this business.

If you click on all of these and study the information “ on the other side”, you will have a great foundation on which to build and you will be introduced to other concepts and strategies that will set you up on a fast track to on line success

Here you go; § Keyword Research
§ Niche Marketing
§ Hosting
§ Squeeze Pages
§ Traffic
§ Outsourcing
§ Affiliate Marketing
§ Search Engine Optimization (SEO) § Blogging
§ Autoresponder
§ Private Label Rights

Assuming you actually want to succeed you will have to read a lot. You will watch a lot of videos too as video is fast becoming the primary platform of Internet marketers and trainers.

Don’t let the word “research” scare you. This research is really cool because every day technology makes formerly complex things simple and the reach and power of the internet is nothing short of amazing.

that part is awesome You also meet and get to know some fascinating people who open your eyes up to new ways of thinking and living… . So it's research, but not in the classic sense if you know what I mean.