The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven The Proper Mindset

Perhaps the biggest disconnect for people just starting out is that most of us have been salaried people our whole lives.

Even the youngest of us have an expectation that when we show up for work, at the end of the first week, someone is going to hand us a paycheck

You are not going to get a paycheck at the end of your first week! As a matter of fact if you are doing this correctly you will be cutting a check to someone else during your first week for the privilege of using their service.

You will have to spend some money no matter what anyone else says. That's the bad news. The good news is that you can start your business NOTEfor less than $20.

: This will be a one time annual fee for a domain name ($6 to $10 max or your getting ripped off) and a monthly contract to host your domain (less than $10/month for a one year contract)

You also MUST think in terms of the bigger picture. This means that you should not sign up for a list or buy a product or service unless you can see how that service or product will logically integrate into your market’s network of customers and partners.

This will be difficult to know at the beginning. I will tell you, you are going to likely buy some things that you will regret buying. That's OK.


It's part of that learning process, just be very particular and when you find yourself sitting on a product that you can't use do two things;

1. Ask yourself what made you buy it? The answer to that question is probably a sales technique that you should consider learning and practicing.

2. Put the product aside and keep it accessible because you will probably benefit from it later


Another great tip which becomes obvious as you gain experience:

Every e-mail, sales page and website you view is a free training lesson. How is it organized, how is the message framed, how are the graphics and what kind of functionality exists?

You want to copy the great ones. If it works for them it will likely work for you.
As you get comfortable with HTML (you will!), you can see how your competitors have coded their sites by clicking “View” and “Page Source” on your browser.

This will give you great insight into keywords they are using and other things that you will learn later (hopefully from me )

Finally you need to execute.

I know it's cliché, but don't over think stuff. Get your content done as well as you can and get it out there. It can't be crap, but decent content out there is better than perfect content sitting on your desktop.

You will get better over time with practice.


Turn your brain off and get your content out there so people will start getting to know you.