The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight Important Choices

Right at the start you should seriously consider what kind of business you want to engage in.

There are many choices and you may end up choosing some or all of them. The reason to choose one to start with is that this choice will determine what to do and when to do it.
It is also very tempting to keep taking on projects before you finish one. DON”T. A bunch of partially finished projects won’t make you any money

If you don't choose early you will waste time and money. Essentially you are either driving potential customers (Traffic) to your own site or to someone else's.

Here are some different types of businesses you can build on line. You can Google all of them and each of the on line mentors I recommend in § Affiliate Marketingthis course have excellent training on most if not all of them
§ Your own Products/Services
§ Network Marketing
§ Membership Sites
§ Coaching
§ Consulting

I won't expand further on these here, but I will be producing additional content on my blog and in my newsletter to address most of the things in this manifesto in more detail.

So come on over and check us out when you can


I wasn't sure where to put this piece of advice so I guess I'll drop it right here:



If you use a MAC like me you will be slightly limited initially in terms of certain cool software applications for internet marketing that only run on Windows (.exe files).

Newbie Marketing Manifesto


2010 Parallels


You will either need to run Windows emulation software like or run the MAC Bootcamp utility.


If you don't know what this means, you need to find out and since I am not technical you definitely don't want MY explanation-go look it up.


Last MAC point: Many Internet marketers sell good software without telling you in their sales literature that it's Windows only.


Unless they tell you it works on a MAC, it probably doesn't. Anyway just be aware.


I love my MAC and this is workable it just cost me some time figuring it out and making the adjustments