The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine Summary and Thoughts

My experience has been that certain people simply do not resonate with me even though they may be saying essentially the same thing that someone else is saying.

I recommend you look for this in whomever you choose to follow on line. Just because they are smart or correct, doesn't mean they will engage and entertain you. I firmly believe you need this to learn well and succeed.

Sometimes it will be immediately obvious and other times you won't know for awhile. One thing is certain; as soon as you "get that feeling" that something isn't right, move on.

There are quite a few great teachers out there, but the on line marketing


world has it’s fair share of dopes too.


It is more important to unsubscribe to someone's e-mail list than it is to subscribe

. If you don't do this religiously, you will be overwhelmed with unnecessary and redundant information. After a while you start to see the same information from two or more people…one of them has to go!

A funny thing happened to me the other day and it actually had something to do with nudging me to writing this course. Outsource Force
I got three emails in a row about John Reese's new product

that was coming out soon. These were from very well respected affiliate marketers.

Well, then I got a fourth e-mail and guess who it was from? Yup, John Reese himself! For those of you who don't know John, he is arguably one of the most well respected Internet marketing pioneers in the world.

Now, I'm sure this is not a unique story, but it told me two things; one is that I am most certainly traveling in some high quality circles as far as training goes. The other is that one of those other affiliates/trainers probably has to go.

It isn't that one of them is better than another and you often have to choose. If you unsubscribed to all but a few lists, you will still have too much information to absorb it all

If I had it to do all over I would have subscribed to a lot fewer lists and taken a select few things and followed them through to complete execution and then rinsed and repeated them a few times before I looked at anything else new.

If that is all you take away from this course then you got your money’s worth!