The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter Three Persistence

All the "gurus" (that word cracks me up) will tell you, you must persist, you mustn't give up. There aren't too many people who would argue that persistence is the key to success in everything.

But this seems slightly different to me because a lot of this persistence in Internet marketing is being persistent with things when you are not even sure if you are doing the right things or whether you are actually seeing any results for your efforts.

Think about this; I’m using article marketing in a promotion. I write an article on my market and publish it with links back to my main website. How do I really know if it's working until a certain number of people read it, click on my link and visit my site? And how do I create that second link with any confidence when I don't even know if the first one is correct?

You have to persist blindly at first and by doing so, learn by trial and error in the process. Some people simply cannot do this. Some need to develop this skill. Very few people come to the dance with this skill in hand.

This may be unique to being your own boss. When you have a boss, he tells you what to do. When you work for yourself, half the battle is figuring out WHAT you need to do before you can even begin to DO it.

If you need someone to tell you what to do, then you may want to rethink this online business. Or at least recognize it as something to overcome and focus a good bit of your effort at finding a mentor.

I guess you need to make sure you either have this skill or are willing to develop it. ANYONE can lose weight if they really want to right. It's just work.