The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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Tap into your existing network.

Those most likely to become your affiliates are those who already have a relationship with you. Assuming, of course, that they like you. ;-) Seriously, your subscribers, customers and site visitors (even if they are few) should be the first contacts you make in recruiting affiliates for your program.

 Send out a broadcast mailing to your subscribers notifying them of your affiliate program.

 Make contact with your customers ... both as a one-time mailing and in your “thank you for ordering” emails.

 Create a shortlist of your “best” contacts (those who"ve

repeatedly ordered, make multiple communications and / or have a solid relationship).

 Mention your affiliate program INSIDE the product you are selling itself.

 Load an automated message about your program to your autoresponder sequences.

 Post links, buttons and other notices for your affiliate program in high visibility locations at your website.

Mention your

affiliate program on your order fulfillment page. (I.E.

“Download” page)

The best place to begin promoting your affiliate program is to use your existing assets – your relationships with your network of influence. This should yield a

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

decent number of quality affiliate recruits.