The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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Response. Always close out with an “open ended” question. Why?

Because it elicits a response. When you start, and then extend, a conversation, you’ll be well on your way to getting a participant in your project. End your contact letter asking the person to respond in some way to your inquiry.

Now, let’s put this all together. Let me give you a quick example letter that was written based on the formula that I’ve just given you.

Dear Nicole,

I was visiting your site this evening (here’s hoping you hit the 10,000 article mark soon!) and I noticed that you give away free memberships for women writers.

I also am very involved in working with writers (it’s my passion as I can tell it is yours as well) and was wondering if you might be interested in working together on a simple project.

I’ve just finished a 24-page report entitled, “5 Steps To A Big-Profit, S.M.A.L.L. Report Business” that teaches how to create 7-15 page small reports to sell online. I’d like to offer you this free report to give to your members and subscribers.

At the end of the report is an advertisement for my Small Reports Wealth course and we can customize the report with an affiliate link so you would earn 75% commission on any sales generated by simply giving away the report.

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

Several of your contributors (Alice Brown, Kristie Johnson and Kelly Jones) have already been giving away the report and have seen very good results.

You can download the report to preview at

Please let me know if you would be interested in giving this away to your contacts. I’ll be glad to customize it for you and set up everything on your behalf.

How close are you to your goal of 10,000? Maybe I can help.

Best regards,

Denise Milonie

Now, that’s an email that will get interest. Guaranteed.

Now, after explaining the benefits, it’s time to go find someone to explain them to!

All right, up next we have the “S” of your S.A.L.E.S. A.R.M.Y.TM, and that is...

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Hot Content Publishing

The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

Step #5: S – SEARCH For Partners

What I’m going to do is give you – to my knowledge – the most comprehensive index of ways to find potential affiliates that exists.

If it’s not THE largest list of ways to find affiliates, then it is certainly one of the largest lists.

I’m going to share 20 different ways to find affiliates for your program ranging from free to low-cost to premium-priced solutions.

Note: These are in no particular order.