The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint by Dan King - HTML preview

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Create Stealth Reports.

A “stealth” report is a typical small report that is designed to pre-sell the reader on a product or service by providing “useful, but incomplete” content.

The content itself is useful, but it can be maximized by making a purchase –

namely, the product or service promoting in the report.

Where a “stealth” report is different is that it promotes two different products at the same time – yours and someone else’s product which is related to but not directly competing with yours.

Part 1 of the report promotes the related product and part 2

promotes your product. You find affiliates who are promoting the product referenced in part one and have them give away the report

– and you get to tag along for the ride.

Let me refer to an example:

Example: Let"s say you put together a report that teaches “How To Make $1000-$2000 Per Month Online”. In the first part or chapter, there is a 15-page interview with a famous Internet Marketer named J

John, where he teaches about how to make money with Ebay®. His Auction Profits System course is promoted as the offer.

In the second part of the same report you explain how to make money online selling 7-15 page small reports and you promote The Small Reports Wealth System.

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The Ultimate Free Traffic Blueprint

Now, here’s where it gets interesting – You find who is promoting John’s Auction Profits System course and you tell them about this free report they can brand with their affiliate link to promote the course they are already promoting.

And, if they’d like to brand the second part of the same report that promotes your course, they can join your Profit Share Marketing affiliate program and get a link.

Do you see how powerful this concept is? Not only does it get more promotion for your product – whether the person joins or doesn’t join your program doesn’t really matter ... your part 2 of the report is going along for the ride even if they are only interested in promoting John’s course.

But, at the same time, many of the affiliates WILL want to embed that second part of the report with their link so they can profit from it as well ... and those people will join your affiliate program.

You’ve just recruited affiliates indirectly.

Note: If just the thought of creating reports makes you feel weary, trust me, I understand. The good news is you can get high quality reports that you can rebrand with your own links and affiliate links at

The Premium Rebrandable Reports Club. There’s a 30-Day Free Trial that allows you to rebrand 3 Premium Reports and distribute them to your networks to build your list and make more sales. But there are only 700 spots.