The Ultimate Guide to Content Curation by Mark Hayes - HTML preview

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Building on his earlier work on defining curation, Bhargava went on to specify five basic curation strategies that he had observed in the business world. These models will help you better understand how curation should work, what the different goals are and how to apply them within your own content marketing strategy. There five basic types of curation are:

Elevation - A content curator will gather lots of different sources together and provide insight using those sources. This follows the very simple rule of adding value to any content you use.

Aggregation How Long Should Your Pages Be?- How Long Should Your Pages Be?- Although it is the most common form of curation, aggregation is frequently misused. Aggregation refers to the simple collection of content which is then displayed in a single place. Top 10 lists often fall into this category, as do many posts designed solely to reiterate information.

Distillation - This process leads to the creation of original content, but it does not include the final step in the process. By taking information from a variety of sources and getting down to the basics, a writer helps get rid of the fluff. A writer might read a dozen articles on the same topic, before finally producing a piece that incorporates all the elements of the story.

Chronology - What happened, when? A chronological approach works like a timeline, showing information in a successive format. This allows viewers to appreciate the pressures that affected decisions along the way and how things developed.

Mashups - Like distillation, a writer uses many sources to get down to the basic information, but then they go one step further. They add their own point of view. They draw conclusions. This turns every mashup post into a truly original piece of content.

As you can see, each of these types of curation has a place in content marketing, but you need to be cautious about how you approach the mix.