The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce Link Building by Kaloyan Yankulov - HTML preview

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Create scalable growth results with the eCommerce link building framework

Let’s get our feet wet!

The eCommerce Link Building Framework is the document you should be referring time and time again while executing any link building.

This Link Building Framework can be used for any link building campaign, not just for online stores.

It’s our tactical blueprint for backlinking and also a simple CRM.

What to do next?

1. Start by creating an excel spreadsheet. If you are collaborating with team members, you might want to create a Google spreadsheet.

2. Name it “<Your Store’s Name> link building Framework”.

3. Add the following columns. We are going to explain each column in details below:

- Website

- Rapport Built

- Contacted

- Replied

- Linking

- Contact details

- Asset type

- Article name (if applicable)

- Audience

- Most used keywords

- Backlinks profile

- PR

- PA

- DA

- Traffic (optional)

- Conversion rate (optional)

- Number of orders (optional)

- Revenue (optional)

This is how the link building framework for my online store looked like:


 Download a swipe file (template) of the Link Building Framework


 Quick explanation of the columns

- Website - the link opportunity. A concrete URL that you’d like to backlink to you. Could be a top-level domain name, a sub-domain or an inner page. Read  “Find Link Opportunities” section to learn how to find sites.

- Rapport > Contacted > Replied > Linking - <Yes/No> for each column. These columns represent the “backlinking relationship funnel”. They help you keep track of every relationship.



- Contact Details - Name, email, phone, etc.

- Asset type - your linkable assets. Promotions, giveaways, discounts, products, expert opinion and any other assets related to your online store. More on assets in the “Figuring your linkable assets” section

- Article name - if you are doing guest-blogging.

- Audience - an overview of the audience that read the website or a particular page on the website.

- Most used keywords - most used key terms on that website, domain name or page.

- Backlink profiles - What website link to the link opportunity page. A linking profile of the website. Read more about qualifying link opportunities in the “Identify Good And Bad Links”.

- PR - Page Rank

- DA - Moz Domain Authority

- PA - Moz Page Authority

- Traffic - measure the referral traffic that came as a direct result of your backlink.

- Conversion rate (CR) - what % of people who came from the link made a purchase. CR will help you get a better understanding what webpages to target if your main goal is getting more sales.

- Number of orders - how many orders did you get as a direct result of that backlink.

- Revenue - revenue as a direct effect of that backlink. It is particularly helpful if you’re investing in your linking assets. That way you can measure ROI.