Video Marketing Hacks by Logical Mind - HTML preview

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As much as we'd like to, we can't guarantee that all of the advice we've given will grant you those millions of views you're after. The truth is that it takes some imagination and skill on your part and it takes a bit of good luck.

The good news is that there are no dead ends when it comes to making videos. Just because one video doesn't do so hot doesn't mean your next one won't, either. Plenty of video makers have created a dozen or so videos that received fewer than ten views, only to have the next one strike just the right chord and grab a million views over the course of a single week. Other videos might linger around a hundred views for months, only to suddenly jump up to a few hundred thousand overnight. You never really know for sure how well your videos will do in the long run until it happens.

Anyways, if you're just putting videos online for fun, then our advice is to not worry about it too much. Even if you never hit the million dollar mark, you never get Coca Cola calling you to see if you'll direct a commercial for them, you never get Steven Spielberg to see your video and fly you out to Hollywood so he can produce your debut feature film, the fact remains that you're doing what you love.

If you truly love making your videos, telling your jokes and stories, then that enthusiasm will come through in the videos themselves, and chances are you'll find your audience sooner or later. If not, then at least you've found your passion in life, and that's worth more than having your latest hit featured on national television could ever be... not to say it wouldn't be nice to have your work featured on national television, but the real reward is in simply doing what you love.