Viral YouTube Traffic by Stanley C. - HTML preview

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Make Your Videos Go Viral!

Posting A YouTube Video To MySpace Or To A Blog:

Posting a video to your MySpace page is easy to do. To embed video in a MySpace page, simply log in to your account, go to ‘Edit Profile’ and paste in the embed code for the video wherever you want it in your MySpace page. You can put multiple videos without much extra effort. This is an especially useful tactic if you already have some MySpace friends and a community of people who share your interests. If your video is good enough, you may ask your MySpace friends to share your video, which generates a buzz effect.

Posting a YouTube video to a blog is almost exactly the same process…Just log into your blog account and paste the embed code into the HTML wherever you want your video to appear.

The ‘blogsphere’ is on the cutting edge of news, and you might encourage other bloggers to embed your video in their blogs simply by directing them to the YouTube page where they can access the embed HTML code, or copy and paste the

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code as text on your webpage so that it is right there for them. You might even go as far as to contact bloggers in your niche, tell them about your video, and ask them if they want to use it in a blog post.

Blogs create many media sensations these days, and having your video in independent blogs is a great way to attract customers to your site. Keep in mind though that bloggers are often wary of advertising campaigns, so you may want to use this technique for videos which truly offer some quality content (along with your website URL!)

Mailing Video URLs To Friends & Family

If you have a quality video that you are proud of, be sure to email it to your friends and family. You can use the email feature on YouTube, or simply send the hyperlink via email.


Notifying Media Outlets:

Online videos are prime content for reporters looking for a story. If you have created a great and unique video promotion that you think is newsworthy, you may want to contact editors at online news sites, or other media outlets.

A few articles in print or on popular news websites can take your promotion from small buzz to big stir. This can supplement your other article marketing efforts and press releases nicely.

Offering Your Video As Content To Other Popular Websites In Your Niche:

Website owners are always looking for great new content to offer their visitors. You might search Google with your best keywords and contact the top ranking website owners to see if they would like to feature your video on their site. Just make sure you offer something of value in the video…Something that makes people say ‘W ow, Cool!’. Then independent website owners may want to showcase your video. You may or may not want to set up an affiliate agreement as well.

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