Zero to Fifty In 30 Days by Peter Tremayne - HTML preview

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Here’s a summary of all the chapters and an ‘Action Plan’ for you to follow:




1. Using the techniques in Chapter 3, design your Squeeze Page.


2. Obtain Free Giveaway or Master Resale Rights Products.


3. Sign up to an autoresponder. (GetResponse or Aweber)


4. Obtain Master Resale Rights Package.


5. Create your Irresistible or One Time Offer sales page.


6. Participate in free traffic exchanges sites which will give you a couple hundred visitors a day to your squeeze page.


7. Sign up with and start submitting to over 2 ¼ million prospects.




Let’s Do The Math!


Here’s the simple math to explain how you will easily make $50 a day in 30 days:


Let’s say you have purchased your resell rights package and you decide to offer it for $30.

Using both free and paid traffic techniques, a certain percentage (20% or 60 people) will opt-in for your free giveaway offer/products.
When they do, you make them ‘one time offer’, which should convert around 5% of those 60.

5% of 60 = 3.


This gives you 3 sales a day at about $30 each. After merchant (PayPal), fees you have about $75 a day at 3 sales or $50 a day at 2 sales net profit.


Once your list grows to around 5000, you will make an extra $300 to $500 a month with your back-end, affiliate products.

So there you have it! If you spend about 15 minutes a day submitting your emails and participating in the free traffic exchange sites, you cannot fail with this system!

This works my friend. Just try it!