Zero to Fifty In 30 Days by Peter Tremayne - HTML preview

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Step 5

Driving Targeted Traffic To Your Squeeze Page


All that’s left for you to do now is to drive targeted traffic to your squeeze page and make $50 a day.


Traffic is everything. Without it you won’t sell a thing and you won’t build your all important opt-in list.


There are 2 ways to get traffic to your squeeze page:


• Free Traffic


• Paid Traffic


You will be using both options for your Zero To Fifty In 30 Days! challenge.


Approx 50% of your visitors will come from free traffic and 50% from paid traffic.


Free Traffic
Traffic Exchange Sites


Free traffic exchange sites work well. But make sure you use the best ones or you will be wasting a lot of time.


This is how they work:

You basically get an advertising email address and agree to exchange advertising with that email address. You then get to advertise your offer to those other email addresses as well.

So a tremendous number of ads go through it but 1% of those can give you several hundred hits to your website page per day of people who are interested in your ad.
The simplest way to understand how free exchange sites work is just to visit one and sign up.

There are a few really good free traffic exchange sites where you can drive free traffic to your squeeze page.


Sign up to every one of these traffic exchange sites and start promoting your site:


Details of what you need to do will be clearly explained when you sign up.


Paid Traffic


Another option and certainly the easiest, fastest and most cost efficient way to drive the most traffic to your squeeze page, is to use ‘Safe Lists’.


First of all, what is a safelist?

A safelist is a collection of email addresses of people who have joined as members, and then given their permission to receive email from the other members. In turn they get to mail to all the other members on the list.

When messages are sent to the safelist they are not considered spam, because each person on the safelist has given their permission to receive email from other members.
It’s immediate – you can instantly send your ad and receive an immediate response from those interested. It is possible to reach hundreds of thousands of potential customers – instantly.

Like traffic exchange sites, using safelists is merely a ‘numbers game’. Even if you only get a 1% response from thousands, and convert 1% or 2% of those, you can easily make $50-$100 a day.

There are thousands of free safelists to submit to, but it would take a lifetime to manually go to each one and submit your ad.


The best option and the one you should adopt, is to use a paid safelist submitter service.


This service will enable you to submit your ad to a number of safelists. In some cases, thousands of safelists with thousands of members.


There are plenty of these paid safelist submitters you can subscribe to and they start from around $5 a month.


But there is only one paid safelist I recommend you should join – iPostAd.


The last time I checked iPostAd submits to a massive 2642 Safelists.


The total number of members on all the safelists they submit to is around 2 1/4 million!


Remember when I said this was just a numbers game?!


Can you imagine sending an email to over 2 million people who are interested in internet marketing? And not just once, but consistently day in day out.

You don’t get to email everyone at once, but certainly thousands a day. Just a 1% conversion will ensure your opt-in list grows at around 50 a day. iPostAd is the industry standard for safelist submitters and the only one I recommend you join. I’ve tried other submitter services, but the conversion rate isn’t nearly as good.

The Master Level will cost you around $25 per month, and you also get many other useful features.


The cost of this service can be replaced with just one email promotion. So you really do get great value for money.


Go there now and have a look at the features. It is an excellent website with great customer service too.

iPostad has also been around for over 3 years, so it must be working for internet marketers or people just wouldn’t continually use the service. It has consistently worked for me and I have no doubt you will have success with their service yourself.

The bottom line is; safelists are still a great source of traffic and an excellent way to build your own opt-in list. Combine it with your free traffic exchange sites and you will have a guaranteed, daily flow of targeted traffic to your squeeze page.

Step 6

Leverage Your Opt-In List


This is how internet marketers build an extremely profitable and growing business.

If you understand the power of having your own list and email them correctly, you will never be broke! There is nothing to compare with having your own opt-in list of growing subscribers.

Every day you’re building an email list with your squeeze page. And with approx 50 opt-in subscribers a day, you will have many thousands before long.


Once a week or once every few days, you simply email your subscribers and offer them related affiliate products.


Since your opt-in list comprises of internet marketers, there are plenty of excellent products to choose from.

Just go to ClickBank – and browse the market place for related products. Sign up to an affiliate program that you like the look of and offer the product to your list.

This process takes about 20mins from start to finish.


You can easily pick up another 3 sales per week or approximately $350 - $500 per month just promoting to your list in addition to your daily sales.

Once your list gets really large, you may want to spend more time on this aspect of your business. It really can make you a ton of money and is what I primarily focus on.

Long Term Business


List building with squeeze pages is a long term business. The bigger your list, the bigger your income. Sounds easy?


You will only make this happen if you take good care of your subscribers, and use the correct marketing techniques to market to them.


You paid time and money to get them, if you don’t keep them, all that money and time is wasted and you will have a worthless list.


Marketing to your list correctly and effectively is the key to success.

If you want to learn more about list building and how to profit from your own list, there are some excellent courses that will really take you to the next level of internet marketing.

This is how I consistently make over $5000 a month and is the backbone to every internet marketers’ success.