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Traffic Generation

A growing Affiliate Business must have Traffic in order to survive properly . If you do not have traffic to the content the monetization process will not occur.

Traffic is considered by many the lifeblood of any online or offline business.

An online business is no different than an offline business without traffic.

Of course you also need the right kind of traffic in order for monetization to happen properly as well.

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With no website traffic, your website isn’t going to make you any money or generate any leads. Not surprisingly, most people don't know this. They wrongly believe in the "Build it and they will come" principle thinking they just have to build a website and traffic will automatically flock to it.

This is completely wrong. And for this reason, several websites end up being abandoned. Although some random visitors will come across your website, the fact remains... significant money-making traffic doesn’t just appear.

Start with one avenue first and master this avenue of traffic before moving on to new methods.

Many times new Affiliate marketers will get so caught up in trying to generate many avenues of traffic they never really get good at any of them and their efforts remain stagnant.

As you will see in the diagram below you will need to infuse your online business with many different avenues of traffic.

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Pre-selling for Affiliate Monetization

Pre-Selling is positioning your offer in the mind of the visitor so it makes sense to buy!

The biggest thing you have to remember is that you are dealing with a complete stranger, and you are a complete stranger to your new visitor. They do not know you, like you, or trust you YET! Until the visitor meets you at your website they have no means of establishing a relationship with you yet.

Pre-selling is the time to build visitor confidence in you… (The trust factor) How? By Over-delivering… Over-delivering is when you go beyond what your customer was promised or ever expected... your visitors will “LOVE” you.

(Unless you already have a big brand name like Amazon, Immediate "selling" on Web sites is ineffective.)

List build is very important to your overall marketing and it is especially important to your pre-selling efforts. Getting a person on your list gives you the upper hand and puts you in control and offers you more pre-selling opportunities.

A couple of these pre-selling opportunities you have available to you are

 Follow Up email series

 Webinars, Teleseminars, Broadcast messages

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These methods are great to continue to deliver more content and value to further your preselling to those not sold at the website.

Monetization Process of Affiliate Marketing Out of all the steps we have covered I would have to say that monetization is the easy part.

Everything you have put into place if done properly will lead to monetization. If you go through each of the last 3 steps and still are not seeing any kind of monetization, you need to go back and take a look at where you went wrong in the first 3 steps.

Your Affiliate product recommendations (if well-chosen and positioned) should provide an additional service and provide appreciated value for your visitors who will in turn reward you when they open their wallet and give back to you! (You have now monetized)

The affiliate model is an excellent revenue source. (It always makes sense to add Affiliate Marketing as a great source of income into your business. I recommend that you always diversify your income sources.) A very important part of the monetization process for you to realize is that, monetization is where you now have some control. Up until this point the visitor was in complete control.

They could leave and you would never see or hear from them again and lose the opportunity to provide more value and make further sales.