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Content Blog Affiliate Marketing

Creating niche sites and/or blogs can be a great option for affiliates who have more time and creativity than money.

If you are looking for some method of Affiliate Marketing that delivers instant results I have to say right up front this is not for you. Like article marketing, this technique can take time before you start seeing results, so it’s not something you should expect to show immediate returns.

It is however a great way to create sustainable long-term profits, and a great credibility builder with a minimum of money spent. Think consistency!

Like many other aspects of online marketing consistency is the key to Affiliate Marketing through a content blog.

Cost for creating your own self-hosted blog;

 Domain name and hosting, but these are typically pretty small. $20-$50

to get started.

 Small monthly for hosting. Generally under $20 a month.

Although I do not recommend the free option for your professional blog, there are many options to get your own site or blog that is hosted for free.

Drawbacks of a free blog are, you may be more limited on options like, the look and feel of the site, how many pages your site can have, your monetization may be limited if at all, and control of content, and a big Credibility destroyer!

Be very careful buying ready-made sites… these sites may have limited functions such as SEO!

Plan Well and Stick To the Plan

Plans for monetization of your content blog require you to plan well and stick to your plan.

The hardest work is at the start. The first sale is always the hardest and most costly to get!

Blogging gets easier once you have built momentum. Be Consistent!

Once you have momentum it is hard to change directions Think about your current readership… Will they accept the change? If you have readers that are reading your blog for the way you are now, you have to take into consideration that fact that they might not like the new changes and jump ship.

Generally changing your mind means starting over and re-building from scratch. B

changing directions mid-stream means a lot of lost time and pain!