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The Important First Impression

New visitors arrive at your blog everyday as more content is developed and optimized. What is the visitors very important First Impression?

Right now they are nothing more than a visitor that is a potential customer. They are not familiarized with you or with the advertising, or content on your blog, and further more they do not care about you. (YET) Let’s take a look at some things that will help you create a great first impression for your new blog visitor to keep them wanting to come back time and time again.

 Keep your site simple and clean, and easy to navigate!

 It’s not time for flashy banners and buy now buttons. It is all about building a relationship with people through your content and your brand. My favorite saying at this point is, “Just because you can does not mean you should!”

Just take a moment to think about what I just said and I think it will sink in as to what I am talking about.

 Provide good relevant Niche specific, problem solving content. Remember that the purpose of content is to provide value to others. Do you provide genuine value, and is it the best you’re capable of providing?

Once you gain visitor trust & love in what you give them you can slowly begin to monetize them.

Takes time and dedication, and consistency, but if you create great content which people want to read then multiple revenue streams open up

 Never believe that your website visitor cares about you or your product!

Your visitor takes one look at your website and turns around and leaves….

Why? You designed your web site for your needs, not their needs. Here is something even worse to think about; after they leave they're going to one of your competitors' sites and buy something.

What visitors care about when they show up to your site is, does the content solve their problems?

A couple things to write down and place where you can see them as your building your website:

 The only reason my web site exists is to solve my customers' problems.

 What problems do the page and the content I'm creating solve?

 Make it clear to your visitors what your blog/site is about. Do not mislead them!

If you want better results stop the entire displaying of cleaver little tricks.

You want your visitor to find exactly what they came searching for.

Don’t use little disposable content just to increase page views and ad impressions.

Your goal should be to truly help you visitor that shows up to your blog, and my personal opinion is that anything else is wasting their time as well as the time you spent adding it to your site.

I find that content rich articles that really give some meat to the visitor are better at generating links and referrals and building traffic.

Make first impressions count. You want the visitor to feel like the visit to your site was time well spent, and that the visitor leaves feeling they enjoyed some serious take-away from the content you provided.