5 Things You Surely Don't Do in Your Business! by Amir Rimer - HTML preview

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It seems to me that it's very hard for us to fully grasp the notion that one doesn't need to have a groundbreaking idea to achieve success.

One only needs to build a simple website which makes a dollar or so a day, and then simply repeat the process, for example.


When you upload videos to Youtube in order to drive traffic to your sites (to make the $1 or more a day) the same principles apply.

You don't need to think about creating a single video which will be so revolutionary that it will generate millions of views, and ultimately get you many visitors to your site.

Yes, there are a few people who have been able to pull it off:


Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4


Yet, this is obviously not the majority.

For most people one of the big ways to generate good traffic from YouTube is to simply be – consistent.
Yes, you should create videos that are relevant to the site you are trying to get traffic to, and your videos should be interesting and deliver great content, yet the frame of mind should not be:

I will release a video only if I am sure it is good enough to be a success.


It's funny, but sometimes people are getting a lot of traffic from YouTube simply because:


1) They concentrate on videos in a very specific niche.


2) They keep uploading new videos (daily / weekly) basis.


3) They create a close relationship with their YouTube followers.


The problem that most people are facing when they think about creating YouTube videos to drive traffic to their sites is:


What kind of videos to create?


So, I will end this post by giving you a few ideas, and examples:

Gaming Sites – if you are selling an eBook which gives information on how to beat a very popular PlayStation / Xbox / PC game, you can surely create walkthrough videos.

What is a game walkthrough video?


It's a video that shows how to complete a game from start to finish.

If you like to play pc games, for example, you can play your favorite pc game from start to finish, and record your screen while doing so (remember that if it's a long game you should stop the recording after 10 minutes or so, due to Youtube's video size limit)

Click here for an example

Travel Site – let's say that you are into selling eBooks, and you just want to get more traffic to your 'travel blog' you can surely create videos which relate to traveling.

I saw a few people on YouTube who are simply sharing with others how it is like to live in another country, for example - Japan.


Click here for example


Teaching Sites:


Are you a teacher?


Do you have a passion to teach?


Do you know a teacher who can create a presentation for you?

If you know phonics for example, you can simply create / get a PowerPoint presentation, and teach phonics. Maybe attach some music to it, present it in a cool way, and you are good to go:

Click here for example


More examples:


Collection reviews (share with others your collection): example


Your animations (create flash animations): example , example 2:

Impersonations: (do people tell you that you look like..): example p.s - this list of links could of go on endlessly, but for me the important thing was to show you how sometimes simplicity wins the game.

Did you see the common thread in all the videos I shared with you in these examples?


The common thread is that all the videos are very simple!


Nothing groundbreaking.


Some of them were just created by people like you and me that were just consistent.

So, I hope you got some good ideas from this, and always remember that for maximum exposure you can also submit your videos to many video websites at once with a free service such as:

Tube Mogul