50 Ways to be a Better Relief Teacher by Bob Brandis - HTML preview

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Learning Situations

I’m sure I am going to be disbarred from every academic arena in the country for this.

The academic have argued the semantics about colaborative and cooperative learning for years, and stil the argument has gone no further than semantics.

Let me keep this simple. I see colaborative learning occurring when the teacher directs the activity without actual y knowing where it is going to go.

For example, BRAINSTORMING develops a whole range of ideas and you don’t know what the kids wil come up with. Unless of course you simply ADD

your own and make THEM the important ones. ( I’ve done that plenty of times).

But this is a colaborative approach to learning where the teacher is part of the learning process. I have found that kids engage with this strategy quite wel .

After the brainstorming activity you can set tasks for individual students or smal groups and they wil feel they own the learning.






5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R

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