Big Book of Home Business Lead Generation Methods by Ian Koch - HTML preview

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What are Buttons?

Buttons are a very traditional way of promoting multilevel marketing businesses. These buttons are attractive little things that can be pinned on the clothes in a manner that others can clearly see them. They have attractive colors and very short messages that rouse the interest of the readers.

Examples include "Looking for a Work at Home Opportunity? Ask me!" or "Ask me for Losing 10 Pounds this Month!" Such messages make people interested in what they want to say. It is considered to be a timeworn method of prospecting especially in MLM.


Of course, it is important to word these buttons intelligently. The words on them should hold the interest factor. Some marketers use Split Testing Analysis to determine what works. In this, two different kinds of buttons are designed and they are used on alternate days by the marketers. Then they track which button creates more curiosity. That one is then kept and the other one is discarded. Later, this winning button can be split tested with another button to see which is better. This can be kept on as a continuous process.

What are the Pros of Using Buttons?

The curiosity factor connected with these buttons is the biggest advantage that you get. Buttons help immensely in implementing the Three Foot Rule which is stressed upon by MLM sponsors. According to this rule, marketers must try and promote their idea to anyone that comes within a three foot distance of them. Buttons can help in this because anyone who reads the message on them is quite likely to ask what it is about.

Another of their benefits is that the marketer does not need to broach a conversation about the opportunity in most cases. This helps marketers who are shy in nature.

What are the Cons of Using Buttons?

Buttons are sometimes more prominent than they should be. Some people can get a negative impression about the wearer. They may say, "Oh, that guy is going to sell something to us. We must avoid him." This could also have an adverse impact on the person's social standing.

 If the person recognizes the button and has a bad impression about the business already, he or she will definitely avoid the wearer of the button.
