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Networking Conventions


What are Networking Conventions?

Networking conventions are places where professionals in network  marketing or people who are interested in taking up such an opportunity make an appearance. These places could be lectures, seminars, meetings or motivational talks on the subject. These can take any other form too, but the basic point is that it is a gathering of several network marketers with a common intent, which has to do with their business.

Given the nature of networking conventions, they are not conducted often. Whenever there is a convention coming up, it is highly publicized, at least within the group of concerned people. The idea is to get as many people as possible to attend the convention.

Multilevel marketers take the opportunity of promoting their business opportunities at these networking conventions. They may give out their name cards or even some informative material that has to do with their business. Thus, it becomes a method for promotion and whenever there is a convention, multilevel marketers will attend it and even prospect people there.

What are the Pros of Networking Conventions?

The very fact that everyone present at a networking convention is interested in the business opportunity in some form or the other makes it a method of targeted advertising. The fear of rejection is quite low here. People will not reject outright; they will at least hear out the opportunity.

Such conventions prove to be a free field to talk about the opportunity. There is no reason of any hesitation to speak about the topic of networking, because that is what is already going on there.

There is also a high energy in such places because of everyone being pepped up about their business opportunity. This can greatly help in the prospecting game.


What are the Cons of Networking Conventions?

The biggest problem lies with the competitive nature of these networking conventions. Since almost everyone here has an opportunity of their own, there is a need to be more aggressive and skilled about promoting.

Networking conventions are not held often and because they need to be conducted at a particular venue, traveling to far-off places can be indicated. At the same time, given the nature of these campaigns, they can be quite expensive.