Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani Copyright © Sunil Tulsiani, 2010. All rights reserved.
The right of Sunil Tulsiani to be identified as copyright holder of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. This ebook edition published 2010
Cash Cow Properties
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Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani The fact that a website or organization is referred to in this publication as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information that the website or organization may provide or recommendations it may make.
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani What gives me the right to teach you?
I suppose it is only right that before we get started I establish my credentials with you. Before I became a real estate millionaire I was a former Police Officer believing, like you and like my father taught me that the only way to make a lot of money was to work hard.
I was in the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) force for fifteen years, in a highly responsible position which I hugely enjoyed. What changed for me was family and the birth of my two children. My work with the OPP required long hours, rotating shifts and unexpected overtime. It was the thought of not being able to see my children grow up, of missing out irreplaceable moments with them, which then led me to the thought that I really needed to find a business which required less work and paid more money.
To achieve this I did a brave thing: I took unpaid leave of absence from my OPP work and wrote down a goal: to buy a property a month. That would mean that in my first year I would buy 12 properties.
Admittedly that was a hard and certainly brave goal to write down but I felt, at the time, that unless I had a goal like that to motivate me I was unlikely to get where I wanted to.
In my first year as a real estate investor I ended up buying 77 properties and making a lot of money in the process. That was back in 2005. Now I am a public speaker, a certified Business Coach and, most importantly, a successful real estate investor.
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani In retrospect it all seems to have been plain sailing but, believe me, along the way I made some classic mistakes and I learned from them the hard way.
The valuable knowledge I gained is used when I mentor Doctors, Teachers, Police Officers, business owners and blue collar workers, people as ordinary as you and me, helping them understand what it takes to become a successful real estate investor.
The secret to making a lot of money is that there is no ‘secret’. Everything we do involves simple, yet powerful investing strategies. Today, I continue to take advantage of current real estate investing opportunities in the Greater Toronto area, Kitchener/Waterloo area, Orangeville/Berry area and other parts of this wonderful country.
Dip in, enjoy this book and its information and, most importantly, use it to take action by picking up Cash Cow properties which put money in your pocket every month.
I know it sounds like a cliché but if I can make millions without a lot of money and without any experience then so can you. When I started my real estate investing career I knew even less than you do right now.
I wish you a massive success for yourself and your family and I hope that you will really start investing for their financial future.
Sunil Tulsiani,
Toronto, Canada, 2010
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani
#1 - The Property
In this book, I want to achieve two things: motivate and educate you. I really want to get you started in real estate. I hope to persuade you that real estate investing can still lead you to a lifetime of wealth and personal fulfillment, as indeed it has done for me. No matter what financial goals you set for yourself, no matter how little cash, credit, or income you currently possess, if you choose to, you can still build your fortune in real estate and I am living proof of that truth.