But wait a minute,” you say. “You can’t be talking to me. In my area of the country, property prices have climbed sky-high. Besides, I really don’t have enough cash, credit, or time to get started. And even if I did, real estate seems too complex. I can’t even balance my cheque book.”
I have been active in real estate for just over five years and in that time I have made many of the mistakes which you would expect a beginner to make and have been lucky enough to survive my own ignorance, learn from the mistakes and move on. In 7
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani the process, I have honed my real estate investing technique to include approaches and techniques which no one uses.
There is something which I often mention in my workshops: “Fear is an emotion many of us experience every time it comes to making a change in our lives. We experience it when changing jobs, or quitting a job. We experience it when we face change.
We experience it when it comes to investing. And every time, each time, fear is the result of the same thing: the unknown.”
In my time with the Ontario Provincial Police, as a Police Officer, there were many times when there was fear to be dealt with, sometimes in situations I had to deal with, at other times in fear faced by those around me. What I found is that fear is a healthy emotion. It does not go away until it is understood and controlled and the only way to take action, to go through your fear and actually face it and do what it is you need to do so that fear can go away.
This is too short a book to cover such a large subject here. I mention this though because I want you to understand that no matter how successful I may seem now, I too, once, stood where you stand, caught between two worlds. Needing desperately to get out of my ‘secure’ job which I loved but which took all my time and energy and kept me away from my family. As you can imagine I was afraid of the unknown and of the thought of failure which the 8
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani move into real estate investing entailed. In other words, the choice I faced required me to give up my security and career and the guaranteed bi-weekly cheque paid into my bank account and launch my own business.