You’ve heard it said before, “The only constant is change.”And when markets change, that change creates opportunities. Here are just a few examples of the kind of opportunities which can generate wealth:
• When prices appreciate fast, you can “fix and flip”
for quick profits.
• Appreciating prices also give you the tax-free benefit of cash-out refinances.
• Falling interest rates (even with stable prices) reward you with lower monthly payments and increased cash flow.
• Depressed markets provide you with an abundance of foreclosures, more motivated sellers, and bargain-priced properties.
• High rates of inflation drive up market interest rates and cut down short-term demand. That’s the perfect time to look for seller financing.
• High rates of inflation also reduce the number of newly constructed houses because builders must pay higher construction costs and higher interest rates. Fewer housing starts clearly signals an excellent time to buy. A slowdown in new 9
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani housing always foreshadows a jump in prices as growing demand outpaces new supply.
These moneymaking examples merely touch upon some of the strategies you will discover through my books and they illustrate one central message that I have advocated throughout my career as a real estate investor and in many of my training sessions: Q. When’s the best time for you to invest in real estate?
A. Right now!
But don’t jump to the wrong conclusion. By saying
“right now,” I don’t mean that you can never go wrong. Rather, I mean that there’s never a wrong time to invest if you choose the right strategy. And that’s what I’m going to show you here.
You Must Believe It to See It
Given the large rewards that most beginner and savvy real estate investors have achieved over the years, I’ve often wondered why most people fail to invest in real estate. I have personally taught thousands of people just like you and I have mentored hundreds so that I can say with confidence that one of the most serious obstacles to overcome is that most people simply don’t believe in themselves.
Cash Cow Properties by Sunil Tulsiani As a result, most people don’t believe in their ability to actually make big money in real estate. Many people erect a wall of excuses that blocks their vision.
This wall prevents them from seeing just how much money they can make for themselves and their families.
Positive thinking. Belief in yourself is where the power lies to become financially free.