Core Traffic Strategies by Saurabh Gupta - HTML preview

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Strategy 5 to increase website traffic


It is day 5 for core traffic strategies. We have reached half way mark. Today we are going to go into site submission once more. If you are feeling that you are doing nothing but writing content and submitting to websites then you are mistaken and I will proof you on day 10 when we will summarizing all that we have done that to increase website traffic you need only 2 things


1. content and 2. Links


You have already started building reputation from your blogs and submitting to various websites. Today let us look and use social websites to build your reputation further. Social media is one of the most important factors to get good traffic and the good thing about it is that it does not matter how social you are in life but if you have a good social presence online that is enough for bringing traffic to your website. In my previous blog I had already mentioned some of the top social sites. So read and register to each of these sites. You might have been registered already to some of these sites.


img7.png might have seen many websites selling social links or participating in links exchange. In my opinion you should stay clear of such websites. Google has not cracked down these sites till now but I know in the near feature google is going to come down heavily on these sites and at that time you will not like to be in the middle of it. There is another reason.


Reputation is build by constant efforts and can be taken away in a second. I have seen highly reputed sites go down and never heard of again. This is because it is easy to build reputation for a site then to repair bad reputation.


Everybody is different and everyone can be a star in the social network. You need not exchange anything but similar interest and topics. So start building your presence by following these simple rules.


1.  Try to find who are near to your locally. As people often search resources and services which are near them.


2.  Try to find people who are following the same niche as you are. I always try to find other SEQ experts and get some great insights from them. Even if we are in the same professions we are not competitors but friends. Creating competition can hurt your business but creating unique products by involving your competitors needs lot of courage and focus. But once you do that the whole world opens before you.


3.  When you are liked by someone or mailed by someone always return the favor by liking them or replying to their mails


4.  It is a world of give and take and the best way to win friends in the social network is forgetting yourself and becoming interested in others. So go ahead search for your interests and do not forget to appraise a good blog or website or product etc. Favors have a way of returning themselves. And it is true that some of them will not reply to you but those who do will become your friends forever and will watch in future