Core Traffic Strategies by Saurabh Gupta - HTML preview

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Strategy 4 to increase website traffic


So now we are in the 4th day of core traffic strategies to increase website traffic and as promised today we are not going to talk about submissions. We will talk about making some modifications in our website according to SEQ.


I know you are writing a blog daily and you might have submitted your video on the 3rd day and preparing for the second video. Now you might say hey I have already designed my website am I to design my website again. I am not telling you to redesign your website but to optimize it from the SEQ point of view.


Optimizing your website through SEO


1.  Make sure that you have specified all the meta tags. I have already written an article about the importance of meta tags from the SEQ point of view. Kindly check it out and compare it with your meta tags. See that you have specified the author meta tag.


2.  Make sure that your keyword is present in title, description, <h1> heading and also make sure that it appears in the first paragraph and last paragraph of your content if you are following me and writing a content of 500-700 words.


3.  Make sure that your keywords do not appear more than twice in the content. Google rates keyword density from 2-7%. But I have found it by experience that it is better not to exceed the 2% limit.


4.  Verify the markup of your website through the


If there are any errors try to eliminate them.


5.  Check that each image given on the website has an alt tag.


6.  Check the speed of the website. If it is slow try to improve it by minifying the css and js and optimizing your web pages. An article on this is also written by me in this blog. all is well give yourself a pat in the back and do this process for the whole website. Note that each page of your website should be optimized for a different keyword if possible.




Do not break your laptop


Optimizing your blog through SEO


Now if you a have finished your website. Try to optimize your blog. There area lot of plug-ins for SEQ optimization for wordpress so search for a plugin which is good. I will advice you to install html plug-in also as it will let you view your blog in HTML so that you can make the necessary changes in the HTML itself. Verify that the authorship is there and verified by google. You can also test your page in the google webmasters tools by going to other resources and clicking on the first option.


See that in each blog you have got a link back to your main website page.


Qk that was a lot of work but hey it is only to be performed once and for every new page you will already know what factors you have to take care of.


Making and Submitting