Create Your Own Product in 6 Easy Steps in 7 Days! by Arny McCleary - HTML preview

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Step 4: How To Create Your Killer Product With least Amount 01 Fuss!

Right, by now you should have a niche that is profitable, so all you need to do next is to create a product.

There are lots of different products that you can create but, for the purposes of this report, we will look at creating an Ebook.

Believe me, you can create an absolutely superb eBook, even if you know very little about the topic initially!

The reason that you should create an Ebook as your first project is because, in my opinion, it is the easiest product to get started with.

If you find that your eBook really takes off, you can always come back and create an "addon" product like educational videos, or an online course as an upsell. However, let's start off with our eBook.

First thing we need for our eBook is Chapters. So, how do you know what chapters to put in your eBook?

Well, you need to know what answers people are searching for within your niche and, yes, you guessed it: there is a tool for thatl lt is called Yahoo Answers.

Yahoo Answers is an excellent resource to research the questions people are asking about your chosen niche. And remember, people will pay good money to get answers to their questions.

l think it is brilliant for finding chapters for your eBook.

So, all you have to do is to type the keyword phrase into the search bar in Yahoo Answers. For example, mine is "Dog Potty Training" so I will type this in, and here is what comes up for me:







You can't see it from this screenshot because it doesn't go to the bottom of the page, but there are 1,171 results for the phrase "Dog Potty Training".

What you need to do now is to search through the results and see what the main questions, or subjects, are.

For instance, in my Dog Potty Training example, one of the main questions is "Should I smack my dog when potty training?"

Most people answered this question with a big resounding NO!

So, taking this example, I could think about entitling one of my chapters "4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Smack Your Dog While Potty Training!".

The amount of chapters you pick for your eBook is dependant on how many different questions are being asked, but you should aim for about 5 or 6 chapters with really good content.

We will look at how to get the content shortly but, for now, your job is to find 5 or 6 questions that are being asked and make a note of them, as these will be the chapters of your eBook. You should find this really straightforward.

The top 5 issues I