Create Your Own Product in 6 Easy Steps in 7 Days! by Arny McCleary - HTML preview

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Step 5: The Secrets To Writing The Content For Your Ebook With Ease!

Ok, we are nearly there!

You are now ready to begin writing the content for your Ebook. A lot of people find this very daunting, but I promise you, it does not have to be so!

This step will explain how I find good solid content for my Ebooks, and how you can get them written, and have a killer product within one day! Yes, that's right, ONE DAY!

You might be wondering how this could possibly be done, but listen here…..


You do not need to spend hours of painstaking research to write your next best seller, as all the research has been done for you!

All you need to do to find good quality content for your Ebook is know where to find it!

The first place you should go to is Ezine Articles

Ezine Articles has thousands of articles that you can use for the content of your product.

Now, always, always bear in mind, though, that you should never copy other peoples' articles. You can, however, take the main points from an article and re-write them in your own words. Just don't copy!

Go to the Ezine Articles, homepage which looks like this (or something similar to this - it changes from time to time):



Next, go to the Search box at the bottom of the page - I have highlighted it here.

Type your keyword into this box and it will return all the articles in the database related to your search term. As you can see from the screenshot below, there are 4,025 articles related to my keyphrase "Dog Potty Training". Do you see now what I mean when I say all the research is done for you!

Also, you will notice that on this second page there is another box that will allow you to further refine your search. I have highlighted the modify box below.




So, I hope you can see now that writing an ebook is probably not as daunting as you first thought. Just remember, do not -repeat Do Not - just blindly copy other peoples' work. However, do use these articles to give you ideas, and then rewrite them into your own words.

With all this information freely available to you, you could write hundreds of chapters if you wanted to, but you only need 5 or 61 ©

Your plan of attack should be this: search through these ezine articles and find 3 or 4 of them for each chapter. When you have found them, copy them into a separate notepad file.

So, in the folder you created earlier, you