Chapter 6: Putting It All Together
Right you are just about there. Congratulations1 see it wasn't so hard, was it?
If you disagree, just send me a quick email to or and I will be glad to help!
I thought I would create this last chapter to give you a few pointers when you are putting together your product.
so, you have allocated a folder for each of your chapters, and put a copy of the articles you are going to use in each folder.
4-5 articles for each chapter.
All you need to do now is to put it all together. To do this, the best advice I could give you is to just start writing!
The product does not have to be a Charles Dickens masterpiece. Just write how you speak, as long as you are putting in good, solid content, people will appreciate that more than any fancy words or "filler" content.
And please, please don't try to be a perfectionist. Good enough is good enough! It is a 100 times better to get an imperfect eBook out there than it is to have a perfect eBook sitting on your hard drive.
Get it out there even if it is not perfect. The first one will be the hardest - and that is not that hard1 It will get much easier as you go along. I promise!
All you need to do is to take 4-5 articles for each chapter that fit the title of the chapter. For this example my first chapter would be something like:
Chapter 1: The Do's And Don'ts Of Dog Potty Training
Then take the MAIN points of your 4-5 articles and start writing.
You could start off with something like this:
"In this chapter I thought I would cover the main Do's and Don'ts of Dog Potty Training so you can get a rough idea of what you should (and shouldn'tl) be doing!
These tips are from my own personal experience and can really help you get started on the right track.
Here are the things you should make sure you are doing for effective dog potty training, an explanation of each method , and how it helps:
Tip 1/ Explanation
Tip 21 Explanation…
and so on…
Summary of chapter"
so as you can see from the example above, all you need to do is arrange the information and make sure it is in your own words as well1
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