Dynamic Mind Expansion - How to Create Your Own Wealth & Success by Darren D O Connell - HTML preview

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img5.pngimg5.pngUsing the power of gratitude is where you reflect for a moment and take-stock of what you have right now and what you have to be thankful for and grateful for by writing a gratitude list. In this busy world with the constant hustle and bustle of every day life from work, career, business, family and friends, and the pursuit of success, we can easily forget what it is we have right now and what it is we should from time to time reflect on and be thankful for.

This is the power of gratitude; this reflection reminds us of our achievements and reminds us of how great life really is and motivates us into attaining and accomplishing more. It puts us at ease and gives us a confidence as we move forward through life.

We all have something to be grateful for, even though some have more than others, there is still an opportunity for all to reflect on what we have and use the power of gratitude to our advantage.

The power of gratitude comes into effect when we acknowledge what he already have and give thanks for what we have right now. It coincides with idea of giving thanks to a higher power or a universal power or creator or god or who ever or what ever you believe in. For our purposes here we will say creator.

To start using the power of gratitude the first thing you do is to think about what you have and write out a list of all the things you have right now that you are grateful for, and all the things you have right now that you think you should be grateful for but just don't realise it. You start with what you consider to be the most important down to the most taken for granted.

In order to use the power of gratitude to your best advantage it is required of you to be grateful for and give thanks to your creator, and it also requires you to give thanks to yourself. For example: when something goes your way and works out in your favour, or you achieve some goal or an accomplishment you should remember to give thanks to yourself too. You should praise yourself and give yourself a pat-onthe-back and say "nice one!" or "well done!" This action, when repeated enough times, tells your subconscious mind that nothing good that comes about will go unnoticed, there will be gratitude, there will be thanks, it will be recognised.

Everyone's gratitude list will be different in many ways; some people will have 5 or 10 things to be grateful for while others will have a hundred or more, but the results are usually the same; after writing out this gratitude list most people realise the same thing, and that is they have much more to be grateful for and give thanks for than they first realised they had.

 So the first step is to ask yourself these questions…

 What have I got?

 What have I got to be grateful for?

 What have I got that's important to me?

 What have I got that's not important to me?

 What have I got that I take for granted?

 Then you begin writing your gratitude list starting with the obvious down to the not so obvious.

 The following is an example of a gratitude list. Your list could be similar, or it could be completely different, only you can write your list.
























Education School






















Social Welfare


You get the idea. Write all the things you have right now and are grateful for, and what you think you should be grateful for but tend to forget or take for granted. Then you reflect on the list and look at all you have. Do you have more than what you thought? If yes, then be grateful, give thanks and realise and acknowledge how blessed you are. If not, then be grateful, give thanks and realise and acknowledge how blessed you are.

 The next step is to add a line to all the items on your list, a line of why should you be grateful for it? What's so good about it?

When you have completed your list, this is your gratitude list that you will look at every so often to remind you of all that you have. Whenever there is doubt or you are feeling down just look at your list and realise what you have and realise there is more to come.

As you progress you will be adding to this list, as you attain more and realise more you will add them on to the list, everything from the minor items or accomplishments to the major items or accomplishments, and with a line of why and what's good about it.

The power of gratitude takes you out of the negative and into a positive frame of mind. This is where you need to be in order to attain more. Giving thanks and being grateful to your creator and praising yourself allows more reasons to be grateful and thankful for, because of the positive and gratitude filled energy that comes from you.

 The power of gratitude, along with the positive energy it helps us exude, also improves our way of thinking. It reassures us that we have done quite well and that we are on the correct path, and increases our confidence to expect more and strive for more. This power of gratitude also makes us feel happier, and when we are happier, those around us become happier, that is the energetic effect, and with this energy comes more happiness and with this happiness comes more opportunities for improvement. This is another example of the universal law of attraction in action, as you continue to develop your gratitude list and be grateful and thankful, you'll find the more things you have to add.

 Points to Remember

Reflect for a moment and take-stock of what you have right now and what you have to be thankful for and grateful for by writing a gratitude list.

 The power of gratitude comes into effect when we acknowledge what he already have and give thanks for what we have right now.

In order to use the power of gratitude to your best advantage it is required of you to be grateful for and give thanks to your creator, and it also requires you to give thanks to yourself.

 Start your gratitude list.

Write all the things you have right now and are grateful for, and what you think you should be grateful for but tend to forget or take for granted.

 The power of gratitude takes you out of the negative and into a positive frame of mind. This is where you need to be in order to attain more.

The power of gratitude, along with the positive energy it helps us exude, also improves our way of thinking. It reassures us that we have done quite well and that we are on the correct path, and it increases our confidence to expect more and strive for more. This power of gratitude also makes us feel happier, and when we are happier, those around us become happier, that is the energetic effect, and with this energy comes more happiness and with this happiness comes more opportunities for improvement.

 Up Next…

We take a look at achieving success with the help of SMART goal setting. We discover how your goals are the stepping-stones to achieving your desires that lead on to your ultimate desires. You will learn how to use SMART goal setting for producing fast results…

Up Next…

In the next chapter you will learn how useful your imagination can be regarding accomplishment and success. We look at the various aspects of the imagination and focus on the two aspects that have the most impact on your success…

 You will learn about a useful and quite popular tool known as an image board or a vision board, that helps you bring about your dreams and desires through the use of images or pictures you associate with success and wealth.

Up Next…

 Up Next…In the next chapter we look at fear and the six most common fears that people have. We examine what fear really is and what it isn't. You will learn how to eradicate it from your life and you will learn how to defeat fear instantly in only two steps…

Up Next…

 In this chapter we take a brief look at some of the most successful people in the world today. This chapter is designed to get you thinking by asking some questions about yourself and what is possible for you…