Dynamic Mind Expansion - How to Create Your Own Wealth & Success by Darren D O Connell - HTML preview

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In the movie Jerry McGuire (with Tom Cruise and Renée Zellweger) there was a successful businessman and coach giving titbits of advice throughout the movie, one of his pieces of advice was every morning when he woke up, the first thing he would do is clap his hands together and say something like:

 "Today is going to be a great day"

 This is how he starts his day, by creating positive energies.

 Try this:

 As soon as you wake up tomorrow morning, clap your hands together and say out loud something like:

 "Today is going to be a great day" 

or something like:”

Today is going to be a beautiful day"

 "Today is going to be a fantastic day"

 "Today is going to be an incredibly productive day"

Whatever way you want your day to go, you say it out loud and mean it. Say it with conviction and excitement as you clap your hands together and then get ready for a great day!

 You'll be starting your day with a command and by creating positive energy and giving out positive vibes and positive energies.

 What is positive energy and why should it be part of our life if we want to be successful?

Positive energy is all about enhancing your sensation of wellbeing that can be seen in the physical. You exude positive energy and it shows. It helps in the creation of success and wealth. It is necessary for everyone to have this positive energy all around them if they are to overcome life’s minor and major challenges with complete confidence. You can draw upon this energy from your environment by applying a sincere and determined practice.

 Its effects are so amazing and you can use it anytime for your personal and professional progress.

Since this positive energy comes from within you and your being, it is a good idea to consider reducing certain types of food and drink that have no nutritional value and can cause you some bodily discomfort. (you know the ones I'm talking about) This is because these foods leave toxins, and when there are toxins in the body, this creates a negative physical environment that hampers the creation and effect of positive energy.

 There are a few ways by which you can start creating pure positive energy for yourself starting today.

 Here’s how to create positive energy in your environment:

 Start with a diet that includes organic fruits and vegetables.The first way by which you can create pure positive energy is by eating foods that are considered great for your system such as fruits and vegetables. Organic if possible, home grown is even better.

Drink plenty of fresh filtered water, at least 8 glasses a day. If you're not usually one to drink 8 glasses of water then build up to that level, starting with 2 glasses a day. The important thing is you start making water a daily habit. Drinking water is essential for flushing out toxins and impurities in the body and is essential for the good health of your mind body and spirit.

 Take a good and high quality multi-vitamin (you get what you pay for in most cases)

 Take extra vitamin C in the form of pure ascorbic acid if possible. Vitamin C was once considered the wonder vitamin, and it still is.


Some organised physical activity like walking, running, cycling, stretches, aerobics, or weight lifting. It doesn't have to be 6 days a week 3 hours a day. (who's got time for that?) Some physical activity lasting only 5 minutes a day is enough to start, this gets you into the habit of exercising and is also physically and mentally beneficial. 5 minutes on the exercise bike or 5 minutes doing stomach exercises is sufficient, for example with the stationary bike, or better known as an exercise bike, an exercise routine could look like this:

 The "2-1-2" exercise routine.

Two minutes on, cycling at an easy paced set resistance.

 Followed by one-minute rest. Followed by two minutes on, and that's it, your exercise is done.

 The purpose of this five-minute routine is not designed to get you super fit, it is designed to help you develop discipline, and it also helps with creating positive energies.

 Once you start implementing a few positive changes to your diet, attitude and lifestyle, you will begin to feel much better physically and mentally, this will have a positive influence on your mind, thus creating positive energy from within you becomes much easier.

 Seek out positive-minded people:

Positive energy also emanates from those around you. Spending more time with positive and like-minded people helps with your attitude and reinforces your positive energy.

 Avoid negative people

:Sometimes there may be those unavoidable negative personalities around you who make negative comments and give off negative energy, which can cause you a lot of stress, if you allow them to, thus robbing you of your positive energy.

 When this happens, you should counter the negative with something positive or better yet, avoid their company entirely. They will soon realise you don’t agree with their negativity and they will stop behaving in that way and will stop making such comments in your company.

 Think Positive:

 By just thinking positive, you can create positive energies.

If you have a tendency to always find fault with others, complain often, and can’t see the good in anyone, you are indulging in negative feelings and negative energy.

 Even if everything said is indeed a fact, you still need to change your thought process and bring in positivity in your life, because any negativity is an obstacle in your energy field. Look for the positive in people and think positive so that you can attract positive energy toward you and exude positive energy from you.

 De-clutter your life. Get rid of the excess:

If your life seems to be cluttered with too many of those unnecessary and useless collections get rid of them. Get rid of all those unwanted and unused items and reorganise yourself. Arrange things in a way that will remind you of positive experiences you have had and those that stand for happiness and organization in your life.

 Clean up your environment:

By this I mean clean up and organise your home, both inside and outside and clean up your work place. Clean up your bedroom, your bathroom, even rooms you don't use, Clean them up by getting rid of the unnecessary and the useless. A clean environment is a successful environment and a successful environment paves the way for a successful reality.

You will soon begin to notice the negativity leaving your life and being replaced by a positive energy, and a kind of peacefulness and happiness.

 Indulge in positive behaviour and make it a habit.

Do not waste time trying to get even with others; it will only drain all the positive energy out of you. Instead, react in a positive way and thus, creating your own positive energy.

 Learn a new skill:

It is very important that you keep learning and exploring new avenues. This is essential to your success, as you will see why in a later chapter. The learning should not stop just because you are finished with school or college, the learning should be a life long and exciting adventure.

You can also invite positive energy into your life by practicing the creative visualisation steps discussed earlier. This could also be known as practical daydreaming. Creative visualisation is also a form of training your thoughts to achieve your desires and this practice creates positive energies too.

 Here's a reminder of the creative visualisation steps again from an earlier chapter:1: First, think about what you want to accomplish. For some, this is an easy step, they know exactly what they want, but others who are yet undecided may need more time to decide on what they really want.

2: Once you decide what your goals, dreams and desires are, you need to devise your plan of action. Your plan of action is the how, of accomplishment. This could need a fair amount of planning and research and some time to think this over.

3: Now, you make a mental image of your goal. For this, you need to use your imagination, yet another aspect of your super mind power. At first, you might find it difficult to visualise the mental image of your goal, but with practice, you will find it easy to do and you might even enjoy it. However, be patient, persevere and be self-disciplined and you will be able to define your goals, dreams and desires much clearer and be more confident of them.

You can use this creative visualisation method to eliminate any negative habits you might have and for good and positive habit building. You can use it to attract and create positive energy, and for improving your financial health or your personal health or your relationships, or changing circumstances, or for just about any kind of positivity in your life.

 So, in order to create pure positive energies you need…A daily command, or affirmation, upon waking followed immediately by an emotionally charged physical activity or signal like clapping your hands together.

 Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

 Drink plenty of water and take a vitamin supplement. Maintain a positive mental attitude.

 Exercise for 5 minutes a day.

 Hang around successful people.

 Avoid the negative.

 De-clutter your life.

 Clean up your environment.

 Use the creative visualisation process.

 Points to Remember

kick-start the day by creating positive energy the moment you wake up.

 When you exude positive energy it helps in the creation of success and wealth.

If you feel your diet isn't the best, consider reducing the food and drinks that you know are not doing you any good and replace with healthier choices.

 Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day is good.

 Take a multi-vitamin and extra vitamin C.

 Think positive.

 De-clutter your life by removing all the stuff you no longer use and no longer need.

 A clean environment is a successful environment and a successful environment paves the way for a successful reality.

 It is very important that you keep learning and exploring new avenues.

 Invite positive energy into your life by practicing creative visualisation, it's practical daydreaming with a purpose.

 Up Next…

In the next chapter we will take a look at power, and how it is an absolute must-have for your success. Learn how to convert all your ideas and plans into real action. We look at the definition of power and what exactly it is and how to use it, and discover that power is required for the accumulation of wealth and success…

 Up Next…

Now it is time to discuss creating affirmations for incredible success. You will learn how to use affirmations to create change and to reach your goals, dreams and desires. You will learn how to use affirmations to develop positive and desirable qualities…

 Up Next…

You will learn how to use the power of gratitude. This is where you count your blessings and be grateful for what you have right now. This is a great exercise that allows you to see just how blessed you really are and it brings happiness, confidence and more success…