Dynamic Mind Expansion - How to Create Your Own Wealth & Success by Darren D O Connell - HTML preview

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 Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.

 Henry David Thoreau

 Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.

 Ayn Rand

 All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas - not money.

 Robert CollierIn

In this book you will find the strategies, tools, techniques, principles and ideas used by the author to create wealth, health, abundance, prosperity and happiness. Many of those similar techniques have been used by thousands of successful men and women all over the world.

This is the author's attempt to deliver to you what works and how it works and how you can create the life of your dreams just by reading and following the suggestions in this book. After studying and applying the so-called secrets of success for the last 15 years, this book is the author's conclusion to all those success strategies.

This book is a guide to what worked and what worked very well for the author, and can work just as well for you, maybe even better for you, once you keep an open mind and apply the strategies and you believe in the strategies in this book. Consider this book your golden ticket to the attainment of unlimited levels of success.

Your success is waiting for you, all you have to do is become familiar with the techniques, be willing to practice them and apply them every day with discipline and determination. Be willing to raise your standards and raise your expectations. Then you will be ready for amazing changes that will transform your life into the life that was once just a dream, transforming it into what is now becoming a reality, starting with this book.

 How to Read This Book

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

 Paul J. Meyer

You are your own best judge on how to read this book or any other book but here is what I suggest you do and that is to just read the book from cover to cover without taking notes or doing anything else. This will give you an overall view and a clearer understanding on how the book can be used to your best advantage.

The second time you read it is the time to start taking notes, be sure to use the blank NOTES pages after each chapter and write down your thoughts and ideas, also highlight any lines that you consider important and any lines you are going to take action on. This is also the time to start practicing the suggested exercises. This is when you will start getting the full value of this book.

At the end of each chapter there is a "points to remember" section, this is a quick recap on what could be helpful for you to remember and use. You can add your own points here on what you consider important points from each chapter. Highlight all these points so that you can quickly reference them as you continue to practice the techniques and exercises suggested. It is through this continued and disciplined practice that results are achieved.

A little patience may be required from you in the beginning but as you continue with your actions you should start seeing results, and when results start showing up then it will become easier for you to believe in and follow the strategies suggested in this book.

 Okay let us begin…