Dynamic Mind Expansion - How to Create Your Own Wealth & Success by Darren D O Connell - HTML preview

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Just like there is no action possible without first the idea or thought; there is no great achievement possible without the desire to achieve it. The intensity of your desire is directly proportional to the rate of which any achievement is realised.

If you are able to transform your desire into more of an obsession then you will have no difficulty in convincing your subconscious mind that you are indeed very serious and will achieve your goals,  dreams and desires.

 It is when your subconscious mind is convinced of your conviction to achieve is when great things start to happen because your subconscious mind is connected to, and influences your universal realities.


When you convince your subconscious mind of your success, through your desire, obsession, behaviours, actions and re-actions then success comes easier. (more on this in a later chapter)

The purpose here is to create the desire for absolutely anything and everything you want, and to become so fanatically resolute about acquiring it, that you easily convince your subconscious mind that you must have and will have it, and will never give up no matter what obstacles the universe might put in your way to achieving your desires.

You also need to become wealth conscious. Only the person who conditions their mind to become wealth conscious acquires the wealth that he or she truly desires and works toward. To become wealth conscious means that your subconscious mind has become so comprehensively preoccupied and driven with the desire for success and wealth, that it can see itself already having it and in total control of it. Your mind then learns to expect success and wealth and thus creates success and wealth.

To the sceptical, that have no experience or knowledge of the great potential of the human mind, and prefer to remain stuck in their ways, and wallow in failure, these great laws or principles could seem somewhat unreasonable and unrealistic or impossible. For the sceptical there is only so much you can do to help them break free from the slavery of their failure consciousness, but ultimately it is from their own ability and desire and discipline and action that will break the bonds of their pessimistic and negative mind frames.

The six steps listed in the previous chapter do not require a huge effort or even a great sacrifice from you in order for them to produce a result. All they require is some discipline and determination from you to actually follow the steps and a desire that knows no limits and accepts nothing short of total fulfilment and great accomplishment. To develop the necessary desire, and to bring desire into your quest, you do not need to have any special talents or skills. You just need a bit of faith /belief, discipline, determination and follow-through. The successful application of those six steps also requires adequate planning or rather a bit of imagination, so that the mind is able to clearly see, and be able to comprehend, the idea of you amassing great wealth or achieving any kind of success that cannot and will not be left to probability, family fortune, or least of all – to luck.

Many of the people that have created vast riches and incredible success started out with a desire for improvement and change. This desire then became an obsession for great wealth and success. Their desire for growth led them to dream, hope, and long for, and their obsession led them onto the critical planning, and taking actions that led them to where they are today.

In order for you to attain great riches in vast quantities, and achieve great success, you must be committed to changing your mind's attitude and its perception on success and on the limits it may have about success. You must get into the no limits mode in your mind and start turning your goals and dreams into an obsession for success, and then truly believe that you will attain it.

By now it should be clear to you that achieving anything you want or need or would like to have, first needs some desire to do so. This desire originates from within and becomes a natural part of your mind and fuels it to constantly strive to achieve your dreams.

A strong desire or better yet, "obsession" will become part of every positive thought and also every action from within the subconscious mind. Your well-trained subconscious mind will seek the fulfilment of your requests even at times when your conscious mind is completely oblivious to and unaware of the pursuit.

 The subconscious mind will constantly chase the realisation of your goals, dreams and expectations.

There is simply no other way; you must have, or create the desire before you can create the wealth or any other successful attribute you are seeking. Create the desire for it, and then let it become an obsession. This is how huge results are attained, by creating desires and obsessions out of your goals and dreams. It is this obsession that connects to your subconscious mind that in turn creates or brings about those opportunities that lead you closer to your dreams and ultimate desires.

 When someone lacks a desire, and takes little or no action, there will be little or no results achieved.

 They will not achieve their goals and dreams because their subconscious mind does not believe that they truly want to achieve them, as there is clearly no real desire and no obsession. There is no commitment shown, therefore, there are no positive results given and no positive outcomes obtained.

As a result, he or she will start to believe even less than before because of the absence of desire that leads to the absence of action that leads to the absence of positive results.

This cycle continues in a downward slippery slope until the mind becomes completely pessimistic and stops believing altogether. It is now destined to fail, it waits for failure, it expects failure, and finally realises failure and settles on what ever it can get, and then comes up with the excuses as to why it failed. Usually the blame is laid on someone or something else like the government, the economy, society or geographical location. It is never their fault; it is always because of someone or something.

 The point of the above is to show you the effects of a lack of desire and how it leads to failure, but on the other side of the fence…

We have someone who burns with a desire to succeed and obsessively pursues their dreams, goals and desires through faith, discipline, determination, planning and action. They will recognise more opportunities that arise and subsequently take more action.

As they continue to train their minds for success, the opportunities will seem to somehow or magically appear and will be recognised as such. Therefore, naturally they will have greater results and achieve more of their goals and dreams.

These results will then make their desire and their obsession even stronger and then the subconscious mind will become more efficient and better at being able to create and identify those opportunities needed, and the results attained will be even more fulfilling.

This time the cycle continues in an upward spiral and a rapid and positive spiral that becomes exponentially stronger each time until the subconscious mind achieves and helps to achieve far beyond the original goals and dreams, and as long as the desire for further growth and improvement and success continues to burn incessantly, and with a relentless and unstoppable force or momentum, then greater results, outcomes and achievements will continue because there are simply no limits to what can be achieved.

 With this great world we are living in today, there is always plenty of room for new ideas, and better ways of doing things, and ways of making our lives more convenient. The world is constantly looking for people who provide more value, who perform above and beyond of what is expected. The world is constantly seeking innovative leaders, original inventions, even improvements on old inventions, and new discoveries and new services. Imagine all of those yet to be discovered and yet to be implemented new ideas, improvements, new products, services, and inventions are all there for the taking.


All these opportunities available to create new and better things are as always, and have always been, only available to those who possess a disciplined and determined attitude, with the knowledge of what they really want and above all an obsessive desire to acquire it.

 This is where you come in…

You must first decide what you want, then create a strong desire for what you want, then follow up on your goals that will take you there and then put your plans into action or actions. The actions are like the last pieces of the puzzle. Once you start putting them in place the entire plan starts to unfold and you are at the finish line reaping the benefits of your mental and physical efforts.

If you have the desire to do something great, to create something, or to achieve something and you really believe in it, then go ahead and do it! Get it done. You've got the idea. All you need now is the plan and the action. This is the all-important follow-through.

Below is my personal formula for success. There are other factors or elements involved like desire, obsession, faith, belief, visualisation, and affirmation etc, but for right now here are the nuts-and-bolts of the success formula…

 S = I + P + A x I

 And that is…

 SUCCESS equals the IDEA, plus the PLAN, plus the ACTION, multiplied by INFINITY.

And that means…

For you to attain the level of success you're after you must have something of value to offer, you must offer something to someone, you have to create some value, you must do something for someone that they consider important enough to compensate you for this exchange. It should be a value that they cannot do themselves or they do not want to do themselves.

 There must be some idea from you. Then there must be a plan to work on the idea. There must be some organised planning involved.

Then the idea followed by the plan must be followed by the action or actions, it must be followed by organised action that is related to the goal or idea. (we'll talk about organised action in a later chapter)

Then you can multiply this by infinity because like I mentioned earlier, there are no limits on the amount of success and wealth you can attain. You can repeat the formula many times over.

 Simply put, it is:




 The I.P.A (Idea. Plan. Action)

 It's a matter of getting the idea, making the plan and taking the required action.

All this works very well but sometimes, people can become discouraged just before they get to achieve their true potential, this can happen because they worry too much about what other people say and think about what they are doing, or they give up too easy after a temporary setback.

Do not fall into this trap, do not worry about what other people say or think about you or your ideas. Never mind if you meet with a temporary defeat or a setback. You will never please everyone with your choices and those setbacks are a part of the success journey, and without some temporary setbacks along the way there is no real accomplishment and true success.

Setbacks are like tests from the universe just to see if you are capable of managing great success and wealth, and at these times it is even more important to keep your desire and determination burning ever so brightly.

Every small setback or so-called "failure" along the way should intensify your desire to succeed even more and your will to achieve your goals and dreams should grow stronger with every victory over a temporary disappointment.

The next time you happen to find yourself facing a setback there is one exercise that when practiced will bring forth a strength from within you. It will give you the strength and courage to endure and overcome the setback or obstacle you are currently facing.

 All you need to do is look at yourself in the mirror everyday until you have overcome the setback, and ask yourself the following simple question:

 Am I a quitter?

 The answer is…




 Answer the question loud and clear and with plenty of emotion.

You will then have already set in motion a successful and driven mindset for the defeat of the setback, and therefore have already done most of the hard work in overcoming this, or any other setback that may pop up.

Success is a practiced state of mind first, and once you are in that state of mind, there is nothing that can stop you, not even those little setbacks that can show up from time to time. Nothing can stop you from creating more and more success once you have acquired this success mindset.

 This success mindset includes a strong desire, an obsession, an unrelenting determination, organised planning and continuous action.

Your desire for success should be and will be far superior to your fear of failure. The force of your desire for success will measure the rate and magnitude of your success. This is what most successful people have concluded after achieving all that began as just a dream or a goal for them, and their intense desire or obsession pushed them over every obstacle and through every obstacle and setback until they achieved their dreams and went far beyond their original dreams. It is when the force of your desire for success reaches a certain level and power, that is when the magic starts to happen.

 Points to Remember

Transform your desire into more of an obsession then you will have an easier time convincing your subconscious mind that you are indeed very serious and will achieve your goals.

 To acquire the success and wealth you desire, you must condition your mind to become wealth conscious.

 Change your mind's attitude and its perception on success and on the limits it may have about success. Get into the no limits mode.

 Create some value and offer it to someone, do something for someone that they consider important enough to compensate you.

 Do not worry about what other people say or think about you or your ideas. You will never please everyone with your choices.

 Let nobody and nothing stop you from achieving your goals and realise that you will get over any setback along the way.

 The force of your desire for success will measure the rate and magnitude of your success.

 Up Next…

In the next chapter we examine the power of belief and how it influences and changes lives. We look at how to harness the power of belief to change your life and create your success…

 We move onto visualisation, one of the most effective and result producing exercises you can do to attain success, and accomplish all your goals and dreams. We look at how visualisation leads to the materialisation of the desires. How to combine visualisation with emotion and the senses for powerful results…


Up Next…

The next chapter is all about achieving success in your sleep, how to work on your success and achieve your goals while you are sleeping like a baby. We look at one of the most effective relaxation techniques you can use that helps you to visualise at the subconscious level, it is at this level is where the results begin…

Up Next…

 We take a look at how powerful your thoughts can be and how they influence your behaviour and actions and ultimately shape your reality. We see how powerful the subconscious mind is in influencing events and influencing other people with and without their realisation…