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Lesson #4: Ingredients For Creating

Your Funnel

You're about to become an Internet marketing superstar, but before you run off to create your first funnel, there are a number of tools and resources that you need in order to build highly effective squeeze pages, and be able to create and manage your mailing lists so that they run like a well oiled machine, all on complete auto pilot.

That's one of the great elements of email marketing, the ability to create automated cash machines that shoot out emails and broadcasts to your subscriber base, on a pre-determined schedule.

You don't have to be at your computer to exploit the power of email marketing, in fact, once you set up your email marketing system, it can run, like clock-work, generating cash every single week from multiple campaigns working simutaneously.

Even if you are brand new to email marketing, building your system is exceptionally easy.

Best of all, apart from a domain name, hosting account and autoresponder provider, there are also no other start up costs involved in becoming an email marketer.

Here is a step by step action plan to setting up shop, and getting ready to build laser targeted mailing lists:

Step 1) Choose a domain name

If you aren't sure what niche you are initially planning to target, this can be a difficult step, because one of the most important aspects of choosing a domain name is making sure that it fits well with your target market, such as incorporating primary keywords, and being as memorable as possible.

Here then are some tips for choosing a domain name:

Choose a .com name. There are plenty of domain name extensions you can purchase, including popular ones like .net and org. However, stick with .com. That’s because most people associate domain names with .com names, so they’re likely to remember your

Select something easy to say (and remember). Imagine if you had to say your domain name out loud, such as on the phone with a friend or during an interview. Is it easy to say… and thus easy to remember? Here’s a hint: If you have to explain a domain name as you say it, then it’s probably not very memorable.

Example: A domain name like “WeightLossSecrets.com” is easy to say and easy remember. But now consider trying to say this: “W8LossSecrets.com”

You’d have to say “W, 8 as in the number 8, loss secrets dot com.” You can bet people will have a hard time remembering it.

Make sure the name is related to the niche. You want your site visitors to take one look at your domain name and have a pretty good idea of what your site is about.

Example: So, a name like “FiveSecrets.com” is NOT a very good name, because it doesn’t tell visitors who the site is about. Here’s a better alternative: “FiveGolfingSecrets.com.”

Buy it when you find it. Some domain registrars make their searches public, meaning that others can see what you’re searching for. So if you find a name and don’t buy it immediately, you may very well find that it’s gone when you go back later to buy it. As such, be sure to buy it just as soon as you think of it and/or find it.

There are many different domain registrars available to choose from.



Here’s one that I highly recommend:

Step 2) Set Up Hosting

When it comes to choosing a hosting provider, you need to make sure that you go with a service that allows for flexibility and fast upgrades. You can start out with a smaller package, and as your marketing expands, you can upgrade your account to a larger package. With your hosting provider, make sure that they offer the ability to use sub domains, so that you can create multiple interior pages for every squeeze page you create.


Step 3) Autoresponder Provider

While there are many email marketers hosting autoresponder software on their own hosting accounts, from personal experience, I don't recommend doing this for a few reasons.

First, with certain hosting providers you may be limited by the number of emails you can send out in any given day, and secondly, you might find your delivery rates lower than if you host with a professional autoresponder service like GetResponse.


GetResponse offers high-quality email marketing solutions and capabilities.

You have the option to set up time or action-based messages according to the criteria you choose.

You can send out an unlimited number of autoresponder messages every day. The clean interface makes it easy to navigate, giving you quick information about your statistics.

The simple drag and drop feature lets you rearrange the order of your autoresponder. With one click you can duplicate a message. GetResponse lets you do split testing as well. Plans start at $15 per month for 1,000 subscribers, with a free no risk 30-day trial.

Your autoresponder service is very important to your email marketing plan. Don’t pick a service based on price alone. Make sure the service you choose has the features you need or may want soon.

Sites like these are in the business of email marketing, and their packages come equipped with everything you need to orchestrate a well-structured email campaign, not to mention that they are responsible for ensuring top delivery of your broadcasts.

Once you have these three elements, a domain name, hosting account and an autoresponder service, you are ready to plan out your email marketing strategy, and it all begins with creating high converting squeeze pages that showcase your opt-in form and enable your website visitors to become active subscribers of your list.