Fit for Life! How to Use Exercise to Improve All Areas of Your Life by C Stewart - HTML preview

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17. Conclusion – How to Fit Exercise into Your  Life

We’ve talked a lot about a wide variety of benefits and exercises. You may feel a bit overwhelmed. Let’s wrap this up with a few steps that will help you take the information you’ve received and use it to create a plan of action.

1 – Make a List. Write down a handful of exercises or activities that you’re interested in trying or returning to. For example, you might write down snowboarding, rock climbing, running, and mountain biking. Or you might write down yoga, hiking, ballet, and rowing. Don’tjudge yourself or look for reasons why an activity may not be realistic. Just write down what sounds good to you right now.

2 – Research Your Options. Begin researching the possibilities. For example, if you’re interested in rock climbing, maybe there’s a climbing gym in your community. If you want to start hiking, you might make a list of trails and their distances and difficulty levels. You might also look for hiking groups or clubs to join. Explore the possibilities.

3 – Start Small. Identify one thing that you can do today to start adding your activity into your life. Can you go on a small hike? Are youable to rent or buy a ballet video and learn a few moves in your living room? Does your rec center offer a basketball league and court? Can you head over there to shoot a few hoops?

4 – Set Your Goals. What do you want to achieve? Remember the SMART goals? Use that guideline to help you identify something that ischallenging but possible for you to achieve.

5 – Create Your Plan. Use your goals to help you create a regular exercise plan. Remember to start small and gradually increase your time and goals. The keyword is “regular” exercise. Starting small allows you to gradually acclimate your body, your mind, and your life to your new program.

Finally, be patient. You’re probably not going to reap the benefits of your exercise efforts the first couple days. However, with time, dedication, and persistence you will change your life. Give yourself the commitment of exercising regularly, 4-6 times a week, for at least three months to experience the benefits. You’ll be glad that you did.
