Home Business Magic in Minutes, Part 1 by Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose - HTML preview

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Enlist the Power of Duplication and Residual Income

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,

then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will,

they soon become inevitable.



The model The Business of the 21st Century author Robert Kiyosaki proposes draws on the power of using duplication to produce residual income that grows exponentially.  


Opening to the possibility of creating exponential financial growth is a shift for most people, who relate their income potential to the number of hours they can work. Remember To think like an entrepreneur. As Steve Jobs advised:

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

Entrepreneurs create wealth by doing things differently. Since there is a limit to the number of hours you can work (or want to work), you hit a ceiling on the amount of wealth you can create when equate income with time. Here is a more entrepreneurial model.

Enlisting the Power of Duplication

What if you could duplicate yourself with a team of people you don’t have to pay who contribute to your income? Sound impossible? If so, just look at the possibility that this is where the magic in Home Business Magic in Minutes comes in.

To start, let's say you share a proven business opportunity with two friends and they go out and do the same thing, those people do the same thing, and so on. The exponential growth you get may surprise you.

If you take it to five levels, this is what you see:


Starting with a single person, you now have a team of 32 people. In the business model Kiyosaki recommends, all of these people become independent business owners who also are financial partners in your business. This means each one represents income for you. From the two people you introduced to the business, through the power of duplication, you now have 32 people who are connected with your business and contributing to your income. You are all building your own home-based businesses and you are all earning residual income. Everyone wins! 

And there’s more. This is not just a business. You may find it to be more like a mission, one that could literally change the world. With a dream of health, wealth, and free time in mind, you may also start to see dramatic transformations in the lives of these 32 people, as well as yourself. We’ll explain how this happens later.

In a short period of weeks or months, you can begin to create exponential growth. Now let's look at what happens when you teach 3 friends who teach 3 of their friends who each teach 3 friends and so on.


This starts to get exciting. Let's expand it further to find out what happens when you teach 5 friends who teach 5 friends who each teach 5 friends and so on.


Look at how many lives you could transform with better health, wealth, and free time. And if each of these 3,125 people represented just $1 of monthly income for you, imagine how profitable this could be! And it actually can be a lot more...

It's All About the Magic Questions

If you can ask the Magic Questions you learned in the introduction to this book and hand out some Opportunity Cards, you can do this. It only takes a minute or two to find out if a friend or potential friend wants more health, wealth, and free time. Also, you will have the support of other people, including the person who gave you this book, to go from there. You'll see exactly how this works in the upcoming chapters.

If this is intriguing, you are just getting started. It looks even better as you get a sense of the whole picture. This is not just a theoretical exercise. Robert Kiyosaki recognized the power of duplication and residual income. He resisted this opportunity at first glance, but as he opened his mind, he recognized this as a system that just about anyone can use to do exactly what you saw here. If you can ask a few questions and pass out some Opportunity Cards, you can create wealth and free time through the power of duplication.

And Kiyosaki is not alone. This system caught the attention and drew endorsements from many of the greatest entrepreneurs of our times, including legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffet, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul empire Jack Canfield, and former President Bill Clinton. Before we get into the details, we want you to understand one more thing.

The Importance of Being Open to New Ideas

You already saw that it took Robert Kiyosaki, one of today's most brilliant business minds, some time to recognize the power of this business system. Not surprisingly, it takes time for most people to accept new ideas. This is why what you are learning here is such a special opportunity today. Acceptance of creative new ideas is a three-stage process in the transition of conventional thought:

1. At first, most people consider the new idea impossible.

2. After awhile, people realize it is possible, but they ridicule it.

3. Eventually, conventional wisdom accepts the new idea as obvious.

You have already seen that conventional wisdom would keep you in a job where you have little to no chance of realizing your dreams, so many people haven't reached the stage of recognition that duplication is truly the way of the future. Various estimates indicate that as much as 80 to 90% of the population are conventional thinkers. Fortunately, you don’t have to be one of those people. 

This is why it is so important to learn to think like an entrepreneur. When you really get it, the opportunity is obvious. If you can duplicate your efforts and your profits 100, 1,000, or 50,000 times, you can get rich. And in the process you can help to transform the health, wealth and free time of countless people.

The Leading Edge of Creative Thought

You are at the leading edge of creative thought. And remember, this is not a "head in the clouds" idea. We are talking about reducing risk and expanding opportunity. You will see that you have virtually little or nothing to lose and tremendous wealth to gain.


The Science of Getting Rich author Wallace Wattles understood that there is an Infinite Intelligence in the universe that wants you to have everything you could possibly need or want to live fully and grow as a human being. This means that staying captive to a job for most (if not all) of your life simply doesn't make sense. The fact that you have dreams means that more is possible for you. 

Here's how William Arthur Ward explained it:

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.

 If you dream it, you can become it.

Opportunity is knocking at your door. 

The question is, what is the system that some of the greatest business and financial minds of our times have identified as what Robert Kiyosaki calls "the business of the 21st century?" 

Read on to find out...