Home Business Magic in Minutes, Part 1 by Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose - HTML preview

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Tap into the Future of Business

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It’s that simple.



As you saw in the last chapter, many of the biggest thinkers and greatest entrepreneurial minds of our time agree. There is a business that just about anyone can do, one that combines the stability and support of big business with the freedom of small business. This is also a business model that provides residual income through the power of duplication, so you can create both wealth and free time. As part of this business, you have an opportunity to support people in transforming their health and their lives.

With the support of a big business, this system frees you of the need to so spend time and money on building infrastructure, which includes things like product research and creation, storage, distribution, developing marketing materials, and more. It's like a business in a box, where all this is done for you, so your role is simple. You succeed by teaching other people to create health, wealth, and freedom, by talking to friends and making new friends. 

Have you guessed what it is? 

The Business of the 21st Century is Network Marketing

You have probably heard of it and, if you are like a lot of people, you may have assumed that it wasn't for you. Remember, we have all been programmed from an early age to be employees, so this is what most people do. And, as you also learned, most people find it difficult to think beyond their programming. Many can't even recognize when the opportunity of a lifetime knocks.

Interestingly, many people who are stuck in dead end jobs somehow think network marketing is beneath them. They may even call it a pyramid, when the exact opposite is true. Pyramid schemes are illegal in the US. The naysayers are afraid that someone is going to take advantage of them. They have a point. Like everything in life, there are businesses to avoid and we will show you how to do this. Most people don't understand how this business works, and once you do, it makes more and more sense.


Furthermore, in a networking business, everyone around you wants you to succeed and no one has a reason to hold you down. Also, when you understand the compensation plan, you can see that you can be just as successful as those who came before you, even more. Solid network marketing businesses are smart. They reward the people who bring them business.

Here are the reasons Robert Kiyosaki gives for choosing network marketing:

  • It involves helping people.
  • It builds people up.
  • It is a tremendous opportunity for personal and professional development.
  • It gives a single individual a large reach.
  • It creates genuine wealth.
  • It develops great leaders.

The Home-Based Business Revolution author Udana Power describes network marketing this way. "It is the most exciting, misunderstood, under-rated, and highly paid industry in the world." Friends and family with jobs may warn you that this kind of an opportunity could be a sham and they have a point that's true with any endeavor. They want to protect you, but they don't know how to create an extraordinary life, which brings you to the next key.

img13.png Listen to people who have what you want.

We entered this field because we came across some extraordinary health products we wanted to make available to our clients and students. The results we saw when we started recommending these products far exceeded our expectations. This triggered interest in learning more both about the products, the company, and the opportunity. The information we are sharing here is the result of our personal experience, which has been very positive.

We've learned a lot and we can show you how to avoid the inferior businesses. You also have to ask yourself, are friends and families who haven't gone beyond the ordinary the right people to listen to when if you want to create an extraordinary life?

You already know they aren't. Any successful person would agree.

Network Marketing Companies are Not All the Same

If you are suspicious of shady companies, you have good reason to be. Around 1,400 new network marketing companies open their doors each year and by the end of their first year, around 300 remain. Remember the point about the value of being connected with a big business. This is a key here. Not all network marketing companies have reached the stage in their development where they qualify as successful big businesses. As you just saw, most of the new ones never will. This is important to you because you want to have access to the rewards and security that only a stable big business with a record of success can provide.

Just like any business, network marketing companies start as small businesses and most of them fail within the first few years. Fortunately, it's easy to pinpoint a solid opportunity. First you need to see how network marketing fits into the big picture.

Where Network Marketing Fits in the Marketplace

You may be wondering why network marketing companies don't just sell their products to stores, like so many companies do. The main reason for this may surprise you. Contrary to what you may be thinking, successful network marketing companies generally produce specialized products that are above the quality of the products you see in retail stores. 

These companies make great use of the most powerful advertising available – word of mouth. They reward people for describing the value of their products. You have probably told your friends and family about products and opportunities that you have found to have value. And most likely, some of these people went out and bought something you recommended. But did the company reward you with a piece of the profits? Probably not. With network marketing, you simply recommend something you value and the company pays you. It’s a win-win.

Network marketing is like any business. You are paid on volume. The beauty of duplication and exponential growth is that you don’t have to do it alone. As an example, one company specializes in a system of products that help people to lose weight and improve their health. Their independent distributors spread their message of transforming health and wealth from person to person and everyone benefits. With the high quality of the products, the company is successful and growing rapidly. The independent business owners who partner with them succeed, too, and many millionaires are being created as a result.

Identifying a Viable Network Marketing Opportunity

Here are some simple steps you can take to do this. With a stable company, you don't have to worry about the business. Here are some things to look for:

  • A track record of success: Focus on a company that's been around for at least a few years and is growing. Their growth becomes your growth.
  • Financial stability: Look for a company with low debt or preferably no debt, along with a consistent record of paying their employees and independent consultants.
  • A Great Compensation Plan: Look for a company where you can start with a small investment, where it is easy to begin to make money, and one that has produced lots of six-figure earners and even millionaires.
  • Moderately priced, consumable products: These are the kinds of things people use over and over. Focusing on consumables like this is particularly relevant in uncertain times – people always eat and spend money on essential items. The health and wellness industry is one example, where you can help people to improve their health AND create wealth. You can transform lives in a growing industry. This is tremendously fulfilling and it creates stability for you. 

Renowned economist Paul Zane Pilzer, who has been the economic advisor for two US presidents, has stated that the combination of direct selling (which is essentially network marketing) and the growing wellness industry are now creating what he calls a "perfect storm" of opportunity. According to Pilzner:

The fortunes to be made today and in the years ahead will be made by those who are involved in teaching people about new products and services that they either didn’t know existed or didn’t know were now affordable. That is, intellectual distribution, as opposed to physical distribution, is where the greatest fortunes are being made today and will continue to be made… 

You can be part of this perfect storm of opportunity, and with all of these qualifiers for finding a viable business in place, you know you are on solid ground. Now you can focus on helping people in your network to make their dreams a reality and what could be better? 

A Cooperative Business Model

Like many people, you may be frustrated with harsh competition. Surely there's a better way. Consider this added benefit. Network marketing is a cooperative business model. You succeed by helping others to succeed. Success in network marketing is a process of creation, not competition. As Oprah Winfrey advises:

Surround yourself only with people

who are going to lift you higher.

You can do this with network marketing.  In fact, there is no place for competition in the network marketing model. This is different from business as usual, where the room at the top is very limited, so the mass of employees have to compete for just a few chances for advancement. And the goal of management is to keep people employed doing as much work as possible for the lowest possible pay.

With network marketing, you have the same opportunities to succeed that everyone else has and there is plenty of room at the top. The company and the people in your upline (the person who sponsored you and the person who sponsored your sponsor, etc.) want you to succeed, because when you succeed, they succeed, too.

To clarify the benefits:

  • You can experience exponential growth in income.
  • People succeed by helping others to succeed. Competition doesn’t work.
  • You can learn while you earn.
  • You have low overhead and many things are done for you – marketing materials, production, distribution, etc.
  • It's fun. Your role is to share the opportunity with friends, meet their friends and teach them how to share with their friends. Then you plug everyone into the company’s support system for education, success training, inspiration, and celebration of their successes.

To understand the value of this opportunity as Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Warren Buffet, and other business leaders have, you must be willing to look at what you have been taught about business with fresh eyes and an open mind. If you haven't created the life you desire before now, you most likely need to consider something dramatically different and we can help you to get the whole picture.