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Marketers use follow up letters for two main purposes: to convince prospects to buy from them and to provide a daily tutorial on a particular subject. Before you create your campaigns you should decide what the purpose is and how you are going to present it. The best way to do this is to decide what you are going to write about and plan it all out into steps. In this lesson I will show you how to plan out your letters for your chosen campaign.


Whether you are planning to create a series of letters about a product, a business opportunity or a tutorial you will need to write down some Key Points. This is a list of subjects you want to write about. To create a list of Key Points you need to examine your product, business opportunity or tutorial carefully and decide what parts of it stand out. For example, a weight loss product may come in different flavors and it may have been featured on TV. Now you have these points you can make them the subject of each letter you are going to write.


In this lesson I am going to create a campaign for a popular business opportunity called SFI. So first I write down a few Key Points.

1. Allows people to become affiliates and make money.

2. Has a free and paid co-op for people who can’t advertise.

3. Supplies free training.

4. Supplies banners and affiliate pages.

5. Offers thousands of products to earn commission from.

6. Allows you to earn from your downline seven levels deep.

7. Has a support forum.

8. Been in business over ten years.

Now I can create my letters discussing each of these points in detail. But first I need my welcome letter which points to the main website.

Subject: Thank you for requesting information about SFI


Thank you for requesting more information about SFI. If you are serious about earning a full time or part  time income then you have made the right choice. SFI has helped thousands of people quit their jobs and  earn a good living working from home and can do the same for you.

Please visit the main website below to sign up for your free membership.



I am your sponsor **SIG_NAME**, please feel free to email me at **SIG_EMAIL** if you have any questions. I am always happy to help.

Yours Sincerely,



The prospect in this case is looking to start their own home business and they have seen an advert promoting SFI as a company that can help them earn money working from home. Therefore they have requested information and now it is up to me to convince them that SFI is just what they need and that they should sign up. My welcome letter should be enough to get the prospect to click on my affiliate URL and sign up for SFI. However this is not always the case with some people. They need a little more convincing.


There are too many scammers on the Internet who are putting up all kinds of tempting offers to lure people into their trap, and then they take the money and run. Therefore people are scared of becoming victims. Your job is to convince them that you are not a scammer and that you really are willing to help them make money working from home. To do this you need to build relationships with them. By this I mean building their trust and respect in you so they feel happier about signing up for your business opportunity. To do this you should make sure your follow up letters concentrate on a combination of two important things.

Building your Prospect’s Trust and Respect

Promoting the Key Points of your Business Opportunity

So, if your welcome letter hasn’t got them to sign up then it’s time to send the first follow up letter.

Subject: Hello again, it’s **SIG_NAME** from SFI


A few days ago I answered your request for information on starting a home based business with SFI. I  just wondered if you have had time to look into it yet? If so you may have some questions you need  answers to. Or you may be having doubts about SFI being able to help you achieve your goals in starting  a home based business. 

When I first came across SFI I was also a little worried. After all, there are a lot of scams out there right?  However, seeing as SFI is free to join I decided to take the plunge and check it out. After all, if it’s free I  have nothing to lose. I know now I made the right decision. 

If you are still unsure or you have any questions then you can contact me at **SIG_EMAIL** or call me  on the phone **SIG_PHONE**, or if you prefer I will call you. 

If you need the website link again here it is… 


Take Care, 



Remember the key points I wrote down before? I am going to start working them into further follow up letters like this…

KEY POINT 02: Free and Paid Co-Op for People who can’t advertise.

Subject: Don’t Know How to Promote your Business? SFI Can Help


How are you today? Well, I hope. Just thought I would catch up with you and see how you were getting on with SFI.

 One thing that puts people off about starting a home business is they don’t know how to advertise for new members. People are scared of wasting money on advertising in case they don’t get any results. Some people really just don’t know how to promote their business while others just don’t want to do it at all.

SFI has the answer in the form of Co-Op advertising. It’s simple. You pay for a share of SFI’s own promotional campaigns and you get guaranteed members joining your team which could be earning you money.

They also have a free Co-Op called EyeEarn where you just stick their banner on the back of your car window. Any sign ups that come from EyeEarn members are shared equally.

Remember, any questions then please contact me.



Limit your follow up letters to a total of between 7-10 letters per campaign. If your prospect hasn’t signed up by then, they are probably not interested.

If your business has a testimonials pages then mention that in your letter and point to it. Testimonials of other members are a good way of reassuring your prospect you are for real.

Talk to your prospects as you would talk to a friend. Do not use promotional sales talk or hype. Don’t come across as those annoying salesmen do who call at the door.

Remember that you are offering the prospect something that will benefit them so focus on their needs rather than your own.

Don’t tell your prospect everything in an email. Give them a brief introduction and ask them to go to your site for more information.

Be willing to answer your prospect’s questions no matter how simple they are. Some people can miss the obvious on your website so be patience with them.