Home Business School Guide to Home Business Basics by Deano Sharples - HTML preview

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Before you create your campaign you need to decide what you want it to be about. Are you simply going to provide a link to your website with your welcome letter and that’s it? Maybe you just want to give away a free E-Book. In this case you just need a capture page with a good marketing message to encourage people to get the book. But if you want to do more than that then you need to decide what you are going to say and how you are going to say it. You need to plan your campaign.


This is a popular way to promote an E-Book or a course. Think of a subject you know something about and make a list of things you could teach on that subject. For example your book could be about weight loss so choose a few subjects from the book that you can share in a letter. You could write down a list of weight loss tips and give a description of each one in a separate letter. Therefore your campaign could say something like: “5 Top Tips to lose Weight”. So you need one welcome letter, five letters – one for each tip and a final letter promoting your book.


If you are promoting a product you need to decide how you are going to convince people to buy it. To do this you need to make a list of reasons why people should buy your product. The first thing you could do is research similar products on the Internet and see what they offer. For example if you were writing a book about gardening can you offer something different or better than the other books? Write down a list of benefits about your product and make each one into a letter.


I think most people would be interested in promoting an affiliate program they are part of. Think of it as promoting a product. What are the plus points of your program that stand out from the other programs? For example, if you were promoting SFI then you could list points like: free membership, coops for people who can’t advertise, free store with thousands of products, opportunity to promote your own products on their high traffic Tripleclicks website. You could make a list of these points and write about them in letters. Here is an example of a letter series regarding SFI.


SUBJECT: Thank you for enquiring about SFI



Thank you for your enquiry. SFI has been established for over 20 years and has been helping people from all walks of life earn a full time income working from home. I have provided a link below so you can visit the website for more information.


Have a nice day,



SUBJECT: What products do people buy?


Hello again FIRSTNAME,

I am sure that you, like me, have come across many business opportunities on the Internet offering all kinds of products. The question is: “What do people buy”? This is where SFI beats all the other affiliate programs to the punch. SFI has a sister website called Tripleclicks which promotes hundreds of different products of all kinds such as health products, magazines, games, toys, books etc... Therefore any customer that visits Tripleclicks is sure to find something they want.

I urge you to check out Tripleclicks and see the vast amount of bargains on offer. When you join SFI you get this store for free and any sales generated earn you a nice little commission. If you have not joined SFI yet then I urge you to check out the link below.


Have a nice day,



SUBJECT: Why I don’t need to advertise SFI



I want to let you in on a little secret. I am absolutely no good at advertising. I have spent a fortune and lots of time trying to promote my other programs. But I don’t need to advertise SFI. Do you know why? Because SFI provides many advertising coops where I can buy new affiliates such as their S-Builder and PSAs to Go packages. I can get guaranteed members every month for just a small fee and I know my money is not wasted. Now I leave advertising to the experts.


Have a nice day,



The above example is focused on promoting the selling points of SFI such as the Tripleclicks store with thousands of products and the team coop for people who can’t advertise. But you shouldn’t make all your letters like that. Try sticking in the odd personal letter between the marketing ones such as your own testimony of SFI and how your life has changed. Maybe you can share bad experiences of things you have done before or just talk about yourself. Make sure your campaign is not just about trying to sell something. Speak to your prospect as a person and not as someone you want to sell to.


Your capture page should have a strong marketing message which is not too long and just enough to encourage prospects to know more. First you need a good headline to catch attention. Then you follow up with what you are offering. The headline is usually in the form of a question. Here are a few examples.

Are You Happy With Your Weight? Still Not Making Money Online You’ve asked the question now it’s time to provide an answer. Let’s put the headline question with an answer to help the people.

Are You Happy With Your Weight?

I used to be depressed because I was grossly overweight. Now I have the body of my dreams and you can to. Register your details below and I’ll send you my 5 top tips for losing weight for free.

Still Not Making Money Online

I will tell you exactly what you are doing wrong and how to fix it. Register now for my 24 page free report.


Remember my SFI capture page form the last lesson?

HEADLINE: Hate Working for Someone Else, Little Money, No Time?

SUBHEADLINE: Start Your Own Home Business from Home

PARAGRAPH 1: SFI has been helping millions of people from all walks of life start their own business working from home. They give you free training, free tools and they deal with the customers. All you need to do is offer free membership. How hard is that?

PARAGRAPH 2: For more information on how SFI can help you build a better future for yourself and your family enter your name and email address below.


Take some time to examine other people’s campaigns and see how they communicate and promote.

This is the best way to learn and improve your own campaigns.