How to Conquer Emotional Eating by Tom Morr - HTML preview

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Glucose Intolerance

This has to do with the physiology of the body. A healthy body converts carbohydrates into glucose keeping the blood-glucose level at ~60120mg/dl regardless of the kind of diet you eat. Carbohydrates are instantly transformed into glucose, and the pancreas gives a response to this change by secreting more amounts of a hormone called insulin in the people intolerant of glucose. It is helpful in removing the glucose from blood; thus, helping it to go into the body cells.


  • Calibrate your diet in relation to the Glycemic index (GI).

 The Glycemic index is an often over looked tool for most dieters. They simply don't know what it is and how to use it properly. In fact, it was shocking to read in Isabel’s, ebook The Diet Solution that a common food a person dieting often eats for a snack. Thinking it will help them drop pounds actually has very high levels of (GI).

 Foods with high (GI) levels make you feel hungry and actually contribute to craving more food. These foods produce weight-gains in our bodies not weight -loss the opposite of our goal.

  • Insulin is a fat storing hormone. Avoid foods with high (GI) levels.

The more insulin you have in your bloodstream, the more likely you are to gain weight. To achieve sustainable weight loss and reducing your risk for heart disease and diabetes. The secret is keeping small fluctuations in your blood and insulin levels. Only by eating foods in relation to your metabolism type will achieve this.

Needing Love And Affection

Love and affection are a basic human need we all have. If these needs go unmet a person facing situations of despair and loneliness will routinely find solace in food, this is a condition that can tend to affect women more than men.

Consider this scenario: After being exhausted at both the office and then the home, a woman may develop the need to work out her feelings and need love and affection more than normal. If this emotional satisfaction is missing, the gap is commonly filled with overeating.

How then do you satisfy these emotional needs of love and affection without using food as a coping agent?

  • Understand that love and affection are normal needs a person has.

Every human being was created with the need for love and affection, having these needs is normal and should be filled.

  • Understand women have an inherited need to feel appreciated.

A man must understand the emotional needs of his wife or girlfriend is different from his own needs. She may at times need to feel more appreciated than at other times. And she never wants to be taken for granted.

  • Understand what real affection is.

Problems tend to arise when people don’t understand each other, same can happen in this area. True affection comes from the heart, it is not being told by another to do some gesture of kindness. This will only cause aggravation and frustration to the one needing affection.

  • Overcome loneliness by sharing.

Avoid the superficial small talk conversations with your friends. Instead, be willing to share your feelings and worries with them. Remember loneliness can lead to depression, which often leads to seeking comfort through food.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Meeting deadlines and working in tense situations are the reasons, which make people feel disappointed and disheartened leading to tension and anxiety causing further overeating.


Whether you are under stress from work, school, a relationship, or any number of other external pressures and forces result is much the same. Food becomes the main coping mechanism to deal with stress. How do you then tame the effects of stress without using food to cope?

  • Understand that you have the final choice.

Realize even if a situation appears like there is nothing you can do. In every case, you still have the choice of how to feel about it.

  • Focus on one task at a time, avoid mental frustration.

As we talked about earlier what you focus on grows, so instead of worrying about many things at once, focus on one task at a time. This will also help you to accomplish more.

  • For a few minutes, a day learn to visualize positive things. This will help you regain your mental focus.

This can be a very powerful technique if used repeatedly.

  • Develop a sense of humor.

Sometimes things will happen that is out of your control, instead of getting mad and frustrated. Learn to back off your intensity and see the humor in life’s situations.

Your Eating Habits

Most people do not have healthy eating habits, and they do not know what food combinations are best for them. It has been observed that overeating is location and time specific, e.g. when people watch TV, in their spare time and so on. As we have previously discussed stress too contributes to our pattern of eating.

Keeping Track Of Your Moods And Eating Habits

Many people in the writing profession, novelists, advertisers, etc. Keep a journal near their bed so if they have a dream that contains a nugget of a good idea they can write it down the moment they wake up before the dream gets fractured by the waking brain.

If something like this can help these people be successful why not use it to your advantage? You should keep a diary of your day-to-day life, note the people and events that have a profound negative effect on you.


Furthermore, keep careful watch on your eating habits and how they change in relation to those people and events.

If you can identify a pattern and are able to predict when you will go into an emotional spiral it will be easier to counteract the effects. For strategy like this to be successful, it helps to have friends and family close by that you can go to visit so that they can help monitor your consumption during these stressful events.

Think of it as an impromptu intervention, no analysis no judgment just people you can trust be there for you to get your mind off the things that bother you and keep your hands and mouth off of food. Here is a sample journal:


By identifying the pattern you have adopted it will help you in changing your entire eating pattern for the next time. Only by understanding the cause of the pattern will you be able to break through it. In fact, the more you do this method. You will start to see that certain types of emotions trigger different eating patterns.

 Thus, the key to conquer binge eating is isolating the cause, e.g. trigger and using the alternative coping techniques we have discussed throughout this book.


You now know the truth about why it has been so difficult in the past to lose weight and keep it off. You have acquired the knowledge of quickly identifying what sets off your emotional triggers, and how to combat them.

You’ve taken the important first step towards unlocking the lifestyle, self-confidence and self-respect you want and rightfully deserve.

Gone will be the days of being criticized or feeling ashamed about your weight, instead you will be admired and appreciated for that special person you really are.

 If you’d like to take the next step in understanding what types of food, your body needs to produce those results, I’d recommend checking out Isabel De Las Rios, Book The Diet Solution.

To check it out Click here
